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Distinguished member
Jan 1, 2008
Loved one DX
1st I would like to commend who ever came up with the where r u from peg board. now it needs to be taken a step further ! There should be a section that list clues to ALS like test abnormalities such as high cpk, high cholinesterase, high bp, low pulse o2, high cholesterol, possible exposure, just plain what you think caused your ALS, etc. Why because if we can find the cause, you may be able to stop progression or event prevent other from getting als. We don't think it is to much to ask. We know this is not a research site but no one is going to care more about your health than you, just because you come to terms with having als doesn't mean you have the right to deny your self the knowledge of what may has caused this disease. It makes no sense to me how a 16 year old could have ALS while a 60 year old has it, it makes no sense how people could have it and there brother in law has it to, it makes no sense that familiar could affect multiple family member at multiple ages at the same time, it make no sense how they can mimic the disease in mice but have no clue how is is cause, they know the action that causes it but they do not know the cause , but they can reproduce it in mice, bullshit! I find its ironic OPIDN has sticking similarities but no real research has been done. How bout symptom right before the ALS symptom and what where you doing right before?:!:
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