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Jan 19, 2017
Loved one DX
My sister is having an issue with vomiting. I believe it begins with saliva pooling which caused coughing, then gagging which sometimes leads to vomiting (about 3 - 4 times a week). She is taking 2 cans of Jevity via feeding tube around 1 pm and then 1 or 2 cans in the evening around 6 pm. This is about all she is getting in daily. She might get 2 tablespoons of food via mouth but that is really getting to hard for her. My mom thinks she is not digesting the Jevity and that is why she is throwing up. I think it is just a result of the above mentioned saliva issue. We call my sister an over achiever because her ALS is so progressive. We are constantly trying to catch up to new issues. This one has us at a loss. My sister at this point has stated she will not have a vent. The feeding tube was the most invasive she wanted. If anyone has had similar issues could you please share and let me know if there is something we can do to help the throwing up.
Can you switch to a formula that is real-food based such as Liquid Hope or blend real food for her?
I could not handle the jevitiy, it made me feel nauseous although I never vomited. Switched formula and all is well. Maybe stop jevitiy and try blending some real food while you wait for different formula.

assume you are giving water through the tube too.

do you use cough assist and or suctioning for excess saliva and mucous?
While Brian did not do well on Jevity either, another issue could be too much food too fast. As time goes on they can tolerate less in their stomach.

Currently we use Two Cal, it’s more concentrated so we need less. Even so, the 3 cans he gets a day are run over 24 hours. So he only get the equivalent of 2 TBS an hour (30 cc).

While you wait, try giving her the jevity more slowly if you can’t blend your own.


Just the thought of 2 cans of Jevity at once makes me feel like throwing up! One can with some water for faster flow and for flushing the tube after is all that I am comfortable with. Try smaller feedings but every three or four hours, or a slow drip. The drip/pump method is more of a nuisance but might be better tolerated.
I agree I wouldn't cope with 2 cans of jevity at once either!
My husband is on Jevity and he was having nausea with bolus feeds. The gastroenterologist suggested a slow drip using the pump and this worked really well for him.

Thank you for the replies. The Doctor called today and suggested a pump feed over a 24 hour period. You all got back with me quicker but with the same outcome! We have the pump at home just waiting for a Nurse to come in and show us how to use it. I hope this helps! The issues appears to be too much too often. When she was only taking 2 cans per day while still able to eat some by mouth she was ok. Meaning the Jevity did not seem to bother her at all. However, I did look up the other food mentioned and will be checking those out as well. Thanks so much to everyone who provided feed back it really helps to hear from those with experience in the situation. I am sorry for all that have the experience but appreciate the help!! :)
If she was okay with half the cans a little while ago she'll probably be okay to have her food with the pump around your mealtimes. My PALS breakfast is usually a bag of 500 calories in a timeframe of 1-2 hours. He still eats a lot by mouth, so used to digest food. For your sister 2-3 hours might work for one meal. I don't assume that it's necessary to have the pump running at night and all throughout the day.
Start slowly with the pump speed and gradually increase it as tolerated. That worked with us We had to increase amount too so it took a couple of weeks.

Some people do overnight feeds especially if they are not sleeping flat anyway. We ended up with about 3 feeds a day each a couple of hours. My sister directed the timing and amounts
I had to experiment until we found what works best. I do drip feeds, twenty ounces first thing in the morning, takes about two hours. Repeat the same at afternoon nap. Prune juice and couple of ounces at bedtime.

it seems each one of us is unique in finding what is best. Don't forget plenty of hydration!.
It still is eating and looking at different persons' eating habits you can see a whole palette. The nibblers and the scarfers, the ascetics and the gluttons, the gourmets and the gourmands, the carnivores and the grazers. Would be weird if the character of this huge digestive tract we haul around could change so easily.
What do you all think?

I wish your sister good luck with a new diet and hope for the coughing spells to cease, too!
Wish putting food directly into the stomach rather than chewing and swallowing does make a difference, and also the speed of digestion often changes during ALS especially once bulbar issues start in and swallowing is severely affected.

So the character of the digestive tract does change, and the transition for many people onto liquid diet from a box directly into the stomach is a huge game changer.
Most of the formulas are dairy based and h igh uin corn sugars. I couldn't tolerate t he dairy so I use Kate Farms and a Kangaroo pump.
You might want to check with your provider to see what they have available, they may not have a big choice.
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