ALS TDI and new AT-1501

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New member
Jul 20, 2017
ALS TDI. AT-1501 is a new cure for MND/ALS but research is progressing slowly because there is no money. How is it possible? Can anyone explain to me what it is about?

It is not a proven cure.TDI is not claiming that on their website It is something that is promising in preclinical study. It has to be trialed in human to find out if it helps at all.

There are lot of things that are or have been promising preclinically some of them are in current trials. Many of them failed trials even those that looked good in initial human studies.

There is not enough money to fund all the hopeful preclinical finds. TDI has a lot of hope for this. I hope they are right

If you believe in TDI then help them however you can but be aware there are other quieter projects looking for funding too and none of us can say which one, if any, might be the answer
Thank you for the explanation. I heard about a couple of promising remedies as well as a new natural one. My sister looks for information on the Internet about these drugs. I hope that a potent drug will soon be revealed.


Thank you for the explanation. I heard about a couple of promising remedies as well as a new natural one. My sister looks for information on the Internet about these drugs. I hope that a potent drug will soon be revealed.

There is currently no 'remedy', natural or otherwise.

Anyone who states otherwise is a charlatan, a fool, or deluded. Or all three.

The moment there is a cure or effective treatment the news will be broadcast far and wide, and will NOT come from some secret 'source' on the Internet.

Spreading such rumors is a gross disservice to the pALS desperate for a cure, and deserves ridicule, at best.
You are confusing me. How can you claim such things. My cousin is still alive thanks to natural drug therapy. She has bone cancer. Physician wonder how she is still alive. My cousin heard about this medicine from her friend, not from her physician. Simply some people know more than other people.
While Greg doesn't need me speaking for him, you started this thread about cures or remedies for ALS not cancer and he was speaking directly to that. It's not really helpful to say that some remedy cured someone's cancer as that does not automatically mean anything for ALS.

I'm so sorry there is no cure for ALS, that's the reality we are dealing with every day. We all hope they will be one day and will be shouting it from the rooftops!
This "Lolita" sounds a lot like the other poster yesterday talking about the international pharmaceutical conspiracy to keep a "natural" remedy out of the market...
You are confusing me. How can you claim such things. My cousin is still alive thanks to natural drug therapy. She has bone cancer. Physician wonder how she is still alive. My cousin heard about this medicine from her friend, not from her physician. Simply some people know more than other people.

EDIT: I just reread your response. BONE CANCER!?! Why are you here spewing ignorance when your 'cure' is for BONE CANCER?!?

EDIT#2: Fellow Forum members, please forgive my tone in this post. It literally infuriates me when charlatans try to promote 'miracle cures'. I have seen pALS waste tens of thousands of dollars chasing these 'cures'. It _is_ possible that the OP is simply deluded, but the tone of the responses makes me think otherwise.

There is nothing confusing about my response. It's the sad truth.

ALS progresses at different rates for different people.
For example:
- Dr. Stephen Hawking
- Diane Huberty ALS From Both Sides

Both are multi DECADE survivors of ALS. And then there those who pass within a few years.

Neither Dr. Hawking nor Diane claims their survival is due to some 'Internet secret', or from some rare herb, or from a witch doctor swinging a dead chicken.

ALSUntangled researches potential treatments; their findings can be found here: - Completed Reviews

You state 'some people know more than others'.
That's indeed true.
If you feel you're one of them, prove it.
Post proof. Not some bullshit about a 'friend'.

Otherwise, shut up and go away. Your ignorance is a danger to the members of this forum.
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Here in Europe, we respect natural drugs more than you do in America. This is our tradition as it is in China. I hope that I will find a cure for my illness whether it is synthetic or natural. Looks like you do not know things enough, and you easily play the expert. Sometimes food is a cure for some people, do you know that.
I do not know what to answer to these words which are terrible.
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