A small victory that feels great

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Dave K

Distinguished member
Jul 13, 2015
I'm very stoked because I just received notice from the court that I beat my traffic ticket. Last year I was pulled over for speeding after my PALS' nurse called me and told me I was needed at home ASAP. I told the cop it was a medical emergency, and he glibly asked me if I wanted him to call an ambulance. I did not have time to explain ALS to him and why a nurse would call for a CALS instead of an ambulance, so I had to explain it in a letter to the judge. It took them almost a year, but today I was found not guilty based on the defense of necessity.

Although it can be very discouraging dealing with people who don't understand ALS, it is also very encouraging to witness the humanity in strangers when they finally realize what is going on with this disease.
Dave, good for you for taking the time to fight the ticket. I suspect that you educated a room full of people that day. I was pulled over for speeding shortly after getting Matt's diagnosis, while on the way to take my mother to one of her many appointments. The officer said he didn't know if I had a good reason for speeding, my open, but I could only say "not good enough". I would have had a meltdown, and I couldn't do that to mom. Today, I'd lay it all out there (and I'm hoping that I never find myself in the particular situation that you faced).
Hey D K,
Congrats on your success. Its the little battles we win that help make us strong for the big ones!
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