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Sep 18, 2015
Lost a loved one
New London
So my dad's doctor gave him a prescription for some medication to be taken through a nebulizer. Said maybe it will help with his difficulty sleeping and mucus. I was just wondering which one to buy. They aren't expensive but amazon has quite a few different ones. Any suggestions?
Which med is it?
Albuterol is an asthma drug, not really targeted toward mucus and sleep, that can increase heart rate. I'd consider diffusing oils or just plain steam as another way to go if the neb doesn't work.

But if you want to try it, get one sold by Amazon with 4-star rating averages for less return hassle if it doesn't work out. They're all pretty much the same at the <$40 price range, except some more actively push drug and others are more like steamers. You might start with the steamer type and work your way up if needed.
You can try it, but most PALS will say that it doesn't work, or only gives a little relief for a short time.

The problem is not constricted airways, which this treatment would help with. Unless your PALS is asthmatic and the asthma itself is causing issues?

Lots of PALS (my husband included) tried nasal sprays, humidifiers, steam baths and nebulisers. The problem is opening the airways can help a little in the early stages, but it's the ability to take a deep breath, exhale deeply and cough that is the issue.

The best strategies seem to me to be - breath stacking, cough assist and bipap, plus papaya or pineapple to help with mucus. But if it's mucus from the upper airways, cough assist and bipap will address this the best.

Hope this helps :)
Thanks so much for the replies Tillie and lgelb! He just got his bipap on Monday and the RT said he will look into a cough assist when we see him at the end of the month for clinic. Will have to look into breath stacking, first I have heard of it but a quick google search shows it has helped others.
My dad used a nebulizer but I can't remember the med. Be careful with albuterol. One of his doctors switched to it (I must have turned my back for one second!) and he had an anxiety attack for six hours and almost had to go to the ER. I have asthma and knew this would not be good for him. I'll try to think of what he had as it didn't cause the heart to race or cause anxiety. It's an older asthma drug.
Not sure where my post went but the med I was thinking of is Budesonide.
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