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Active member
Sep 2, 2015
East Lothian, Scotland
For many months now I hum when I breathe out. When I'm relaxed, stressed or tired I start humming on the out breath I can't stop it. Just wondered if anyone else with bulbar onset has this. Sometimes I wake myself up because its loud
Funny you should mention this, dougie. My husband does this constantly. I asked him yesterday if he knows he is making a noise and he said that he could hear it and he was just humming. I thought it was intentional and I thought boy, this guy really likes to hum!
He is not bulbar onset (started in arms) but now is getting bulbar symptoms.

I learn so much from you people on this forum!!

I do it to. Mostly at night and every time I yawn I make that noise on my exhale. Can't control it no matter how hard I try.

I hope my wife reads this......I growl (like a motor), especially when I am walking or performing a task. It seems involuntary to me, and I have to really concentrate to not do it when I go out into the public domain.

The first time I used my rollator, my wife ask me if making the "motor noises" made it easier to for me to use. She meant it to be funny.....but it kinda hurt my feelings because I am self conscious about it.
Soft palate getting fatty and thus flapping in the breeze. I make so much noise when I breathe normally that my kids complain about it. It doesn't seem to be ALS related, at least in my case.
I started this last September, especially when turning over in bed. My CALS thought I was hurting. I have some low & high pitched tones. It is hard to control. You r not alone in this.
It is very much a bulbar thing (except for Mike of course).

As the muscles in the throat are weakening exhaling seems to just reverberate through the voice box. Sometimes some family think it is a sign of pain or distress but it's not, it's a mechanical thing.

The yawning is part of it too, and Chris would make an incredible noise with his yawns, often I would jump involuntarily ;)
So it IS related to ALS!!

Been doing it, too and like ya'll i cant control it.
My BJ also makes noises when he yawns now but it's more like the noise a horse makes when it flaps its lips. Almost like when you blow a raspberry with your lips.
Love Gem
This was actually one of my pals first symptoms. Had no idea it was serious. We used to make fun of him.:shock:
Yea the yawning is noisy. I totally accept all my symptoms, there is no other way or it would make me depressed.I'm currently living on my own so I can make as much noise as I want :)
Wow! I do this when I yawn . My poor kitty used to think I was growling at her poor thing lol
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