It puts the lotion on its skin

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Nice article Joe but could you correct it as bulbar onset does not mean it starts in the body.

It starts in the bulbar region of the brain and presents as speech and swallowing issues, often breathing issues because that section of the brain controls the tongue, pharynx and breathing.
Nice article, Joe.
Ditto TIllie's suggestion.
It's heartwarming to see the attention your dad pays to your mom. She's one of our luckier ones.

Thanks! All those parts you just mentioned, are in the body, as apposed to the limbs. But thank you for reading it, and correcting me.
I meant that in a good way, not sarcastic. I appreciate the input. :)
The quote is very appropriate. Suitably dehumanizing, and very frightening for all involved. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you! I dont know how to delete my other comment,I sounded like an ass. I really mean it I appreciate any comment.
I see the trusty Kangaroo pump in the background...
I could have replaced your mom's name with mine and would have had basically the same story...
Thanks for sharing this with us.
>If you like it, please share.

Beautiful but never an it!

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