Baclofen vs EMG

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Clearwater AL

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Aug 28, 2013
Get Real
Does taking 60 mg of Baclofen a day make a difference on an EMG and Nerve Conduction Test? I'm headed for another EMG and Nerve Conduction Test. Just wondering.
What does your doctors office say?
I have an appointment Monday Sept 30th. It is a question I am going to ask. But... was just wondering and posted the question. Sorry.
Don't be sorry for asking a question Al. :razz:

The only "do not" instruction given to me before EMG - was "do not wear any body lotion".
But, I found these instructions today.

How To Prepare

Tell your doctor if you:

Are taking any medicines. Certain medicines that affect the nervous system can change electromyogram (EMG) results. You may need to stop taking these medicines 3 to 6 days before the test.
Have had bleeding problems or take blood thinners, such as warfarin or heparin. If you take blood thinners, your doctor will tell you when to stop taking them before the test.
Have a pacemaker.
Do not smoke for 3 hours before the test.

Do not eat or drink foods that contain caffeine (such as coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate) for 2 to 3 hours before the test.

Wear loose-fitting clothing so your muscles and nerves can be tested. You may be given a hospital gown to wear.
Elaine, thanks for the reply. My post was just a wondering question. I am blessed that I am seeing the best Neuro Docs one could see. But things are happening quickly, three neuro appointments (I didn't request) since July and Monday will be four. I've had three EMG and NC Tests with the first one being back in 2012. Believe me... after the first one I didn't want the next two. Since I've made this post, with time to think (some more) I'm sure the EMG Doc is aware of what meds you're taking and considers that in his/her report.
No "confirmed" diagnosis as of yet so hope is still in play. For many others worrying... you don't have ALS until your Neuro Doc tells you, "You have ALS." But... it's hard to stop the wondering. Thanks again Elaine.
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