Going to physio

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Distinguished member
Dec 28, 2006
East Coast
Hi, I was advised to go to physio and wonder if there is anything I should know. We do not have a specialized ALD/MND physiotherapist in this area so I wonder if there are some things I should know or ask this person next week?
mine checked my overall mobility and reflexes. gave me scripts for afo and to change car to hand mechanism and bathroom modification. check on getting scripts for any mobility device you will need and physical training if possible.
Hi Willow,
I go twice a week for 3 hours a day.
Sounds like a lot, but not really.
Each 1/2 hour is a separate activity.

I'll give you a rough breakdown per 1/2 hour as to what I do.

9:00-9:30 - gym (exercise bike, light leg and arm pulls in every direction) they monitor my oxygen levels constantly.
9:30-10:00 - some group stretching
10:00- 11:00 - group talk run by one of a variety of experts(nutrition, or balance, or swallowing...)
11:00 - 11:30 - light walk
11:30 - 12:00 - range of motion exercises with a PT

So far, pretty good. not a ALS program, but a Neuro programm with a few twists.

Hope it helps. If not, you now know what I do Tuesday, and Thursday mornings. LOL

I was told by the head pf my ALS Clinic to be extremely careful with physio and that someone that is not familiar with us could be harmful. I only exercise in the pool. On land, lowering the muscle against gravity causes microtears in the muscle. In non ALS, that increases muscle mass. In us it could worsen things. Water exercise has no gravity, so no micro tears. Check with your MD but most physios are lost with us.
Thanks everyone :)
I took PT while in the nur sing home and when they sprung me. None of them had worked with an ALS patient before. But since my Inter nal l Med i cine doc tor is treating 3 other ALS pa tie nts, he's quite knowledgeable. He basically had them do ROM exercises. They still hurt some because I'm spastic, but felt good afterwards. I believe your body will tell you, just make sure to "listen" for it.

Good luck.
Gosh, golly, gee whiz. I got mod er a ted. Long story short: R O M and listen to your body.
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