Total net donations to alsga

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Distinguished member
Apr 28, 2008
san juan capistrano

for the past month, May 9 - June 8, via PayPal came to $19.04.
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Disgraceful ! I will try to help.You do so much .
Stu, I got one "in honor of" for a donation to ALSGA when Don died and it wasn't from one of his buddies. I was just crushed. I had asked for donations to ALSGA instead of flowers. Why was I surprised? I wasn't, really. My husband had many, many friends. They could not face the disease. They were cowards. And they proved that even further in his passing.

I apologize for the weakness of mankind in turning their backs on those that need help the most. No one can understand, unless they have been through it or actually have taken the time to participate in helping - hands on.
Hi Stu, I've never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I've heard so many wonderful things about what you do... I just posted a link to your website on fb, hope that if more people do this, maybe some people will remember to open their hearts and checkbooks.

Good luck, you're an incredible person.
Oh, and I meant to say that if you need help with graphic design (not website stuff so much, but printed stuff, logos, etc.), I'd be happy to pay it forward to you.
The ALSGA helped me to cover shipping costs for some equipment that went to another pALS. They also got in touch with a pALS that needed the PWC. This is much more than I can say about the other association that is supposed to help pALS. I had to beg them to pick up equipment
It never seizes to amaze me, how every other disease is funded without thought, but the one disease that robs a person of everything... well people act like oh well that is not my problem. Stu you are the best!
I think envelopes would have helped at funerals.People mean well but are lazy .I made arrangements instead of flowers alsga donations as well
.I know without envelopes pre made it won't get done.
If anyone has a printing company l will pay for them .

Stu, Please tell me how I may speak with you. Allen died last Friday. (TRFogey) He asked that I contact you about putting all of his equipment to good use. I have a power WC, a hospital bed, 2 bi-paps, suction machine, cough assist. I live in NC. You can PM me. Please put your name in the subject line so I will not miss it. It looks like contributions are not coming in. I will give what I can to arrange the transport of the equipment. It needs to get to someone who needs it.
That's a great idea Patricia! PM me and I could design something tasteful and have them printed up.
Helen, my daughter and i offered to re-vamp Stu's site almost a year ago--our offer is still open, too.

I had a great thing set up to help support ALSGA-- authors4als but the link didn't get approved. The idea was for authors and readers to use the Amazon link provided when they shopped on Amazon, with the proceeds going to ALSGA. Millions are spent each day on Amazon. I set up a blog for it--with a link to ALSGA.

I know hundreds of writers--and hundreds of readers--but I'm just one little fishy in the sea of voices looking for 'awareness' help.

Wish I could donate, Stu--I don't have a dime to spare, literally. Just got a 3 day official eviction on my aprt yesterday. But, we'd still be happy to do the website. My daughter, thank Goodness, does them well enough to have a small following designing them.
On another note--do you think a book from this forum's "DO I HAVE" section and the answers would sell on AMAZON? I'd gladly take the forum posts, change the names, and make a book.
And off to moderation again, sigh. See? I can't get my ideas of help though :(
There are a lot of 1st round reincarnates and Republicans in GA
Robin (galpablue) I just sent Stu a donation in memory of Al, Richard, and Allen. It should cover the costs of shipping your things. How wonderful of you to do that. Stu if you need more for the shipping let me know please.
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