Be a Bad Patient!

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BROOKSEA, that was a great article, thanks! I guess I'm a realy "bad" patient because i ask alot of questions, and I make the docs slow down and speak in common language. I once even diagnosed myself, when a gastrointestinal doc had done all the test he could think of on me, and was about to dismiss me to a blood specialist. I went to the library, read for hours from different medical books, and found a disease which the doc had never thought about because he had only had one case of it in his entire practise. When I told him what I thought it was, his eye brows shot straight up and he was aghast that he it hadnt occured to him. We have to remember that we are the captan of the team.
Thanks for sharing!
My Mom went through this too... she never went to doctors unless it was something serious, so when she told us that she was going to see the doctor for a sore throat and trouble eating, we all started to worry. The Doc just sent her home and said it was just a sore throat... she went to see him again a few weeks later with the same problem and again he sent her home with a sore throat. We told her to see a different doctor but she collapsed and went to the ER before she had a chance to get a second opinion. Six months later we lost her from esophogial cancer.
There's nothing wrong with questioning your doctor if something doesn't make sense to you.
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