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Sep 28, 2008
Learn about ALS
Hey people,

I havent posted here for a long time. Maybe you remember me, maybe you don't. I started with symptoms in my leg about 14 moths ago and developed bodywide symptoms a few moths later. Symptoms were mostly sensory, like tingling and burning pain and chest aches and things like that. It was fasciculations that led me (like thousands of other googling people) to think of ALS.

Well, that was almost a year ago now, and in hindsight if those symptoms struck me today, I would certainly not think of ALS. Most of my symptoms have improved, and I have no weakness (though my right led often feels a little exhausted). Two clinical neuro exams have turned up unremarkable.

So, if it was just this, it would be perfectly in order for you to tell me to just get the hell out of here and live my life –*God knows, too many people worry about diffuse possibly neurological signs – but the thing that bugs me is my speech.

About a month after my fasciculations started my jaws got super tense. Like I couldn't chew. Then after that I had a feeling of thickness in the back of m throat. I referred to it as my golfball sensation.

This developed to a speech problem that has persisted (but not gotten worse) for about 8 months. The physical sensation is that I get sore and tense in the back of the throat, especially on the right side, and that my soft palate drops down making me stuffy and nasal. I also sometimes have problems articulating certain words. Especially repetitions, like "senator" can be tough. I always feel blocked up in the back of the throat.

I have no clinical signs of weakness in the throat. No fasciculations of the tongue. My uvula deviates just slightly to the right, but my soft palate raises symetrically. No one except me has commented on my difficulties. I don't really slur (or at least, no one has ever said anything), but I feel that most consonants are harder to produce than they used to be.

My speech problems occur every day, but vary a little in intensity. On a couple occations they have been really troublesome. Other times they have been entirely fine. Sometimes this is just psychosomatical tenseness in my throat and jaw, other time I feel there's no doubt that this is a degenerative neurological disorder.

Bottom line is that the symtoms I started with in june last year and the things that followed the next few months were not really suggestive of ALS. Yet I built up a fear of it and the next thing I knew I had speech problems. The speech problems have persisted for a long timeand now I don't know what to think ...

Any input appreciated.


(I'm seeing a speech pathologist shortly)
Hyypo, what you have described doesn't really sound like my experience with bulbar. The lack of slurred speech or swallowing problems is something that would make me think that there is some reason other than ALS but I'm no doctor and I am glad that you're seeing a SLP. Hopefully they can give you the information that you need. Are they doing a swallowing study or is this just an initial visit?
Tom, like Barry said, those don't sound like my experience with bulbar at all.

A speech pathologist is a great place to start, as she/he will be able to detect any problems with pronounciation and may be able to put your mind to rest pretty quickly. If your speech is not affected, the pathologist will know, and will also be able to address the strange sensations you have in your throat.

Good luck.
Thanks Barry. Thanks Beth.
This is just an initial visit with the SP.
You're right; I don't really slur, except for the occational mispronounciation. But there is that obstructed feeling – like speaking is a lot harder than it used to be. I find myself struggling hard not to mess up. I often avoid speaking at all. For about six months now I have been writing this off as psychosomatic and been doing good, but it's been going on for quite a while now ...
Hyppo, I know your post is dated but if you're still on here, did you ever figure out what was causing your problems? I have the same thing - sagging soft palate, nasal sounding / hoarse voice like I have a cold but I don't. Just a lot of post nasal drip/mucus. Symptoms have persisted for over a month. Prior to that my voice would get weak as the day went on. Also I've had trouble getting words out a few times but no one has said anything about slurring words.
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