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Jun 2, 2007
Learn about ALS
Hey guys, I had my appointment with the director of the ALS clinc at duke and the good news is that he said that my exam doesnt look to much diffrent then my last exam over a year ago. He said he wants to evaluate my symptoms very seriously though. I have had two clean emg's in the last 2 and a half years all done on the right side. He said since most of my major symptoms are on my left he wants to concentrate on that by doing an emg on my left side and paying more attention to my left arm. I also talked to him about tongue twiches since it is such a controversial topic and here is what he said. Sure some people with ALS twich in their tongue and in some it can be one of there first ALS symptoms but That does not mean that everyone who twiches in there tongues have ALS! He said you can absosolutely twich in your tongue for benign reasons. He also went on to say that he his self has had tongue twiches in his tongue and that he his self got freaked out and stuck a needle in his own tongue and did an emg on his self lol. He said that was in 2000 and its 2009 and he doesnt have ALS. I guess the reason why i am telling all of you guys this is to let you know that just because you are experincing tongue twiches does not mean you for sure have ALS. Its the company it keeps. Unforunatly i have weakness and other sypmtoms as well. But i am trying to stay postive! I just wanted to let you guys know how it went. I have an emg later this month. Have a good weekend guys!

That is good news that things haven't changed much in over a year..... Good luck with your emg.
Thanks for the update and information Ashley. Good luck with the EMG.

Good news Ashley!
Good luck with upcoming EMG.
Do you like doctors at Duke? Have you been to any other neuromuscular specialists in your area?
Your recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I"m in NC and still awaiting my appt at ALS clinic.
Thanks for the info Ashley! I didn't even notice my tongue fasciculations until the doc pointed it out to me. I thought it was perfectly normal. Lol. Unfortunately I also had 3 emgs that pointed to ALS and weakness on my left side. Am also waiting and hoping that the weakness goes away and that my emg will become clean months later. :-o All the best to your emg!
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