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Active member
Jun 2, 2009
Learn about ALS
Hi everybody,

I've noticed that there are a lot of stories, information, opinions etc being spread over this whole board. I'm going to try to get the most important ones in one post, for that I would like to ask a couple (8 :D) of things.
I really hope some people can answer this so we maybe can find some answers, thanks!

It's a post about twitches and/or cramps before weakness.

1. Did you experience A) twitches before weakness?
B) twitches and cramping before weakness?
C) Cramping before weakness

2. followed on question 1 - how long did you have A-B or C, before you noticed other symptoms like weakness or atrophy?

3. Did you see a neuro during this twitching or cramping time? (before weakness)

4. Did you have had an EMG during this time (before weakness?) - result: clean or abnormal?

5. Was your twitching and/or cramping localized (at first) , if yes, where did you twitch and / or cramp?

6. Did you get a benigne fasciculation syndrome diagnosed at first? (and later on ALS)

7. What type of ALS do you have?

8. What's your age?

I really hope we can get some answers here ! Thank you everyone

A, B, C... no, no, no.
Do your research by using the search button for goodness sakes!

You expect pALS to respond to those questions like you are some sort of scientific researcher?

They have a hard enough time living their daily lives without some wanna be ALSer asking questions of those that can only type with 1 finger or use eyegaze technology!

If you would just read and research the forum you would see that EVERYONE that has been DXD is DIFFERENT in presentation of symptoms! You will not get a consensus of symptoms!

I'm holding back - Beth was too nice... Please seek counseling. Period.
I'm sorry don't want to start research here just want to find out if my cramping could be early als
Please read the thread titled "Remember We Are People Facing ALS" before you post again.
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