How early can the EMG detect abnormalities?

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May 27, 2009
I was wondering if the EMG can detect any abnormalities as soon as you know that you have weakness. Granted, it takes some people longer to realize that they have weakness (i.e. left arm which they don't use as much).

I guess my question is whether or not an EMG would be able to detect muscle weakness even if it was very minor or very early during the process (assuming that you don't have a bulbar onset)?

In my case, the EMG detected problems in areas that had not shown any weaknesses. I had bulbar onset, and only slight symptoms in my hands, but the EMG picked up denervation in my shoulder and my left leg in addition to the areas I was aware of.
I went for an emg in Sept of 2007 because of slurred speech and I couldn't understand why they were testing my arms and legs when there was nothing wrong with them, it was my mouth that I was having problems with. After they were done the neuro told me that she suspected problems with my right hand and arm. This was a year and a half before I felt any change in my arm and hand. What I'm saying is that an emg can detect problems in the extremities before symptoms are apparent. Even with bulbar onset PALS.
These are 2 very fine examples of folks that weren't having problems of note on limbs where the EMG picked up abnormalities. Turn this around and say you are having difficulties with a limb and the EMG shows no abnormalities - a good indicator that ALS is not causing your difficulties.

I too, am interested in this question. My partner had a dirty EMG (arms, legs, abdomen) in October 2008. Apart from his arm, we are not noticing any noticeable changes in other parts of his body. The EMG, however, stated active denervation/reinnervation - hence ALS diagnosis. It is difficult waiting to see what goes next. Every twitch is so scary and upsetting.

Barry, 1.5 years between EMG results and symptoms - I hope that indicates slow progression for you.

question for BarryG


For how long have you had speech related symptoms before that EMG in Sept 07? D
I agree with all the above, I have bulbar and was not aware of any weakness or twitching, but the emg showed up stuff all over my body which was long before any weakness was apparent to me.
Danijela, thanks, I was told by the diagnosing neurologist at the ALS clinic that because I was relatively young and in good shape otherwise that my progression would or should be slow. And I guess it has been compared to others, I still have pretty much full use of my limbs although I am starting to have trouble with my right hand and left leg. Even so, my so my speech is so bad that my family has real trouble understanding me and my eating is mostly through my peg even though I'm still struggling to eat some food.

To answer your question, my wife first noticed that my speech was sounding slurred in June of 2007. Not all the time but if I was tired or had a couple of beer. I went to my family doctor in August and he sent me for an MRI (normal) and also referred me to a neurologist who visits our town hospital every month. That neurologist noticed my wiggly tongue and he sent me for my first emg in September.
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