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Apr 11, 2018
Learn about ALS
Hi my name is Arran, I'm 34 and I'm looking for some advise! I'm extremely concerned about having als!!! My symptoms started about 2 weeks ago I felt a very slight vibration in my chest, I I first thought it may have been some mucus, I went to the gp they checked my lung function with a stethoscope! And said it was fine so I left it. A week went by! I was painting on the weekend and after I finished I noticed a twitch/spasm coming from my armpit leading to my shoulder blade it was easy visible and lasted about 15 minutes! I couldn't stop it! It went away and came back that night and woke me up! So I started googling muscle twitches! And have since read lots of different stories!! Then I found one that was from an als sufferer and there first symptom was this chest vibration! So I linked the 2 symptoms I've experienced together and have gone into a tailspin! I now have a twitching feeling in my shoulder that has spread to my arm and also noticing twitching in my legs! Almost everywhere in my body but mainly on my shoulder which I can also feel my pulse pumping through the the whole arm! I haven't e noticed and weakness or change in my muscles! I do how ever feel fatigued easily! That may be due to the intense anxiety! I have an appointment with a Nuero on Friday! I would appreciate the replys! Thank you
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Thanks again in advance! I think it's great that this site exists!
Twitching is extremely common and non-specific. So are chest vibrations. A diagnosis of ALS requires failure of a muscle leading to that muscle not functioning properly.

Please read the sticky at the top of this forum that says “read before posting”.

You do not have ALS. Google has misled you.
Thanks again in advance! I think it's great that this site exists!
hi Karen, thank you for your reply! I'm sorry I didn't read this sticky, I don't know where it is?
Arran, it's pinned at the top of the DIHALS subforum and is titled "READ BEFORE POSTING".
Thank you again for your reply! I think I found what you're talking about, was I meant to have written it in a different section?
No, it was meant to let you know you do not have ALS. Twitches mean nothing. Let your doctor help you.
Hi Kim, thank you for replying! I have definitely jumped the gun, I appreciate the time taken out I understand you must have plenty of people asking things like I have! Apologies, my anxiety got the better of me! I will be sure to donate some money to help reaseach finding a cure! All the best to everyone
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