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Apr 5, 2018
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32 year old male back on December 26th 2017 I got sick flu like symptoms right when I was getting over it my left triceps started twitching for 2 weeks after that i started twitching all over body but not on that triceps anymore. then I was sitting watching a movie in the theater and when I got up my leg had fallen asleep I shook it off my that numb sensation stayed around my ankle still there then that numb feeling went into my right shoulder so I had righ shoulder right ankle numbness but then that numbness turn into minor ache then into burning sensation then I felt it on my right thigh as well .then few weeks after that it went into my left shoulder same felt numb feeling that turn into ache then burning sensation and I also have been waking up with numb pinky and ring fingers on both hands sometimes other fingers had neurological 3 weeks ago neurologist determine my exam was normal strength everything is still there but I feel like I'm weakening but I still am able to do everything I use to before symptoms .oh and my right bicep gets tight when I flex it feels and have the tight feeling for. a bit then goes away really scared what could it be
Dog, you posted on an ALS site, but there is nothing in your post that has anything to do with ALS. Certainly your doctors didn't say any of that pointed toward ALS, did they?

If you're interested in ALS, please read the IMPORTANT post stuck to the top of this subforum called "Read before posting."
I'd be concerned, too.

But not about ALS. Nothing you wrote should have led you here.

If you want more information, read the pinned post, aka Sticky, alluringly titled Read Before Posting.
I'm just really frustrated I've gone to the doctor past 4 months and had blood test after blood test and everything seems normal but I am having all these sensory issues plus the muscle twitching scares me has anyone ever felt the biceps feel really tight with als symptoms I'm sorry for the intrusion on here but it's mentally draining I have an emg Tuesday but he said he wanted to check my ulnar nerves and will also see a rheumatologist later in frustrated!!
No doubt.

But we do ALS, and you don't have it.
So, our sincere best wishes, but there's nothing for you here.

We've got our hands full with ALS.

Good luck! But goodbye, too.
Numbness and other sensory issues are not ALS. Twitching is common and nonspecific. Lots of benign conditions cause twitching. The normal neuro exam should reassure you.

Do read the stickies at the top of this forum. Hopefully that will convince you that you’re not dealing with ALS.
thank you for your response I really appreciate it
one more concern my legs are getting twitches that I can see but can't feel and if I flex my calf it starts twitching but I can't feel them is it spasms or twitches should I be scared of the ones I can't feel
You're officially becoming a PITA.

Read the damn sticky as told, what? Three times now?

Twitching means nothing, zip, goose egg, zero.
Twitching is far too common to be diagnostic of anything.

Don't post again until you read, and have fully understood what's there.

If you do post yet another question answered there, I will lock this thread.
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