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Mar 14, 2018
Learn about ALS
Hello i'm a 16 year old boy and i'm suspecting symptoms of ALS. Now i'm not sure if i do actually have symptoms of ALS but it feels like it does.

Reasons i could have Als:
First of all i feel like my right foot and i guess leg is weaker or just feels different i'm not sure if it is actually weaker but it does feel odd. my right arm
also doesn't feel right almost like it's more weak then normal. Altough i'm not sure if it's actually weaker then normal or if it's just anxiety, my hands
feel "shakier" then normal and it feels like it's harder to grip things with my right hand. Again i don't know if it is actually harder to grip things with my
hand or if i'm just being overly aware of my limbs.

Reasons i might not have Als:
I have been pretty anxious the past 6 months dealing with my personal issues which i suspect is ocd.
I can function like before altough it might feel odd in my leg and/or arm or feel like i'm weaker when i don't think i actually am.
I was benchpressing with 60 kilos's once and couldn't get all the reps i was supposed to get, then after i started worrying about muscle related issues
i tried benchpressing with 60 kilo's again and i managed to get all the reps (i got stronger). same thing goes with doing bicep curl's.
i was reading about a somebody having speech issues which made me focus on my own tongue and speech after that it felt like i was slurring speech
and my tongue felt odd (guessing it's anxiety related) Note: before this my tongue felt fine.

The odd feeling started in my right arm when i came home (from the gym i think) and my hand was shakier then normal. I started to worry and my arm
felt different then normal. That was about 3 weeks ago. Interestingly last week i didn't even really notice my "weaker" muscles but now it's back.

I also started to get muscle twitching but that was over 2 years ago.

I'm really anxious that i might have Als or some other freaky ilness.
I know it's rare to have ALS on it's own especially for a 16 year old with no family history of ALS but even if it's 1 in a 1000000 chance i'll still think i
have Als i can't help it.
I'm freaking out that some day i will wake up and i won't be able to open up a bottle or something.

I'm seeing a gp this friday.

Sorry to bothering you with my problems but i'm just freaking out all the time and can't think clearly.

it isn't the first thing i've freaked out abouut and i see these people that had percieved weakness before clincical weakness and it freaks me out.
No problem Nederlander. You don't have anything at all to worry about.

Your body can be different some days because of a combination of nutrition, salt, sugar, caffeine, sleep, vitamins, and even the things that are bothering you emotionally will affect your strength. There are always infections, too, that you might never notice. Just one day, you're not as strong as you were, and then a couple days later, you're just fine. Even having a bad date with your girlfriend or an argument with your parents can affect your body's performance the next day.

But ALS? Nope. Nada. Nee.
It still does feel like my right arm is weaker but when i go to check i can still lift heavy things and it’s stonger then my left hand. When i write something down it kinda starts shaking a bit, like it’s harder to write or something.
That is how we know you do not have ALS.

Work with your doctors, it will be something they can treat, but we cannot help you.
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