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Jul 27, 2017
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just got my third EMG done and it showed some new problems that have never been there before. Unfortunately I dont understand those expressions in my medical report and since English is not my mother language it is hard to find and translate it, anyway I hope that someone in here can help me to explain these problems and tell me if ALS can present like this. I am putting a quick report since first symptoms:

February 2017 - Pain below knee that was not going away for awhile. First EMG. NCV study was OK and EMG showed something with nerves around knee, according to doc nothing to worry about for now looks like it is just some pinched nerve but he referred me to a specialist if it does not go away.

March 2017 - Severe perceived weakness from neck to legs. Went to a hospital.

April 2017 - Head and spine MRIs in hospital. All good. Spinal tap done and tons of blood-work done had good results as well . First time I have experienced twitching that started in my legs and moved literally everywhere. Severe muscle weakness and fatigue after doing some activities for a short period of time ( walking long distances, cycling, running, lifting heavy objects etc.) Literally unable to do sports anymore.

July 2017 - Second EMG showed small LMN lesion and fascics. Findings from first EMG still there. Left the hospital with BFS diagnosis and with some prescribed meds.

January 2018 - And here we are now. Pretty much nothing improved at all but nothing worsened also. But my third EMG showed fascics and some polyphasic potentials with myogenic pathology in my calf and area around knee. NCV study was OK. Referred to a neuromuscular specialist. I dont know what does that mean "polyphasic potential" or myogenic pathology, I just simply dont understand those words but what I know it is closely related to ALS or some pretty much ALS close disease that is going to ruin my life because with these results I think my BFS diagnosis was wrong since with BFS EMG is clean or mostly clean. Or do you think this can occur in BFS? This is far away from clean i think. So what do you think? Can this be a progression and can someone explain me what does those words mean?
Thank you for your time :)
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In ALS, the EMG should show evidence of denervation and reinnervation. It can also show things like positive sharp waves, fibrillations, fasciculations, complex repetitive discharges, and polyphasic potentials. However, normal muscle can show occasional polyphasic potentials and occasional fasciculations. If evidence for denervation and reinnervation is not there, then it’s not likely to be ALS regardless of the other findings. Myogenic pathology refers to muscle injury or a primary problem with the muscle. That is different from ALS.

You haven’t describe the kind of muscle function failure seen in ALS. However you obviously have symptoms that require an explanation, so I do recommend you see a neuromuscular disease specialist. I just don’t think it’s ALS.
Thanks for reply. It is good to hear that it does not look like ALS but what makes me crazy is if this still can be BFS because currently I am feeling good ( except twitching and muscle fatigue) and as I said noting got worse since my last EMG but these showings make me out of my mind :( Any ideas what else this could be if not BFS? I have never been seriously ill and I am too young to struggle with these kind of things. My next appointment is kinda far away so i am trying my luck here :) Thank you again for response. Cheers
Sorry bubba, we only do ALS.

We don't do BFS.
We don't do "what else?"

If you want guesswork, see a gypsy!

You DO NOT have ALS, damn lucky for you! Truly!

Now please let us tend to potential ALS patients, which you're NOT!! :)
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