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New member
Apr 30, 2017
Learn about ALS
New York
Hi everyone.

First off, let me start by saying that I cannot start to imagine what you are going through and how brave you all are to dedicate time to helping each other out.

Second off, I hope no one with ALS will be offended by my scares. Trust me, I am dreading to have anything close to this and I would not come on this forum if I was not absolutely terrified.

I am fully aware that I am a complete hypochondriac. However, the symptoms that I am about to describe started before I started inquiring about ALS and at the time I was not even aware that these symptoms could be related to a neurological disease (I mean I did know but did not make the connection between a cramp and nerves).

My symptoms:
- Started a month ago with bilateral leg pain on the outer side, and has completely subsided
- Now, I am having calf cramp in a very specific spot of my right calf. It is somewhat constant and is worse at night. However this cramp does not feel like its a full blown cramp, just like the beginning (series of my muscle contracting itself I guess?). My leg has been feeling very tense but I have not observed any weakness nor have I had any clinical weakness during a very thorough neurological exam
- Calcium, potassium, magnesium levels are good
- MRI is clear

I know that my odds of getting ALS are extremely slim given my age but this very focal cramp is scaring me, especially knowing that this could be a sign of ALS preceding the muscle weakness.

Really, any input would be appreciated. Again, I know that I am extremely scared of my health in general but would like some input about my ever lasting cramp... :)

Best of luck to you all.
I also dropped 30lbs in the span of 2 months and have been feeling like my throat is knit in a ball but no problems breathing or swallowing
If you lost 30 unintentional[?] lb in 2 mos, I'm assuming someone has done a complete workup for systemic illness. If not, the possibilities range from a virus to cancer. Are we talking loss of appetite, anxiety, what?

A focal cramp or near-cramp isn't nearly the concern that severe unintentional weight loss is, whether psychological or not.

Anyway, ALS does not typically present with bilateral pain that resolves followed by localized cramping. I would look in other directions, guided by your internist.

Blood test was perfect... it might be the anxiety making my metabolism too fast

But that cramp is scaring the hell out of me
Not all systemic conditions are detected by the kind of routine blood work you probably had. If your internist is not up for this, I'd find another.
Thank you for your answer. Trust me, my GP tested me for most systemic diseases under the sun - but that was for an unrelated condition 2 months ago (a little MS scare). Got an MRI that was completely clear.
But now my right leg cramping (near cramping) is well one first hurtful and uncomfortable but also scary! I would just like to know if anyone's symptoms started like that and if an emg should be done.

Thank you
I'd try low heat/massage first.
I am honestly terrified - today it feels like it spread to my thigh... I don't know what could be causing this, and I cant find any other answer than ALS, despite everyone around me trying to reassure me. This is terrible and I would be reassured if someone that experienced ALS closely would tell me that my symptoms are not ALS'.
On another note, I realized that Xanax helps in the sense that I do not feel any cramp on it. It is a muscle relaxant indeed. But it gets me wonder: if I had -god forbid- ALS, Xanax would not help right?
First, Xanax is not a muscle relaxant. It is an anti-anxiety drug. Although it is in the same class as Valium, Valium does relax muscles. What Xanax does is helps you deal with panic and stress. I wouldn't be worrying about ALS. I would heat your leg and do gentle stretches.
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