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New member
Feb 10, 2017
Learn about ALS
Hello All,

Its been two months since these symptoms started and I am not sure what to do now is this ALS or something else.

Here are my symptoms:
Large gulp when swallowing,
Twitching all over my body chest, head, neck and arms
Calf muscle in my left leg keeps moving in and out, now it has moved to the right. Also thigh is doing the same thing. Left foot shakes when I curl my toes and the pinky toe has gone behind the other toes.
legs also feel heavy like they are about to give away
LEft arm and leg feel weak balance is off when I walk
vibration in my face on the cheek and everytime I sit or stand it feels like the ground/chair is shaking under me
Pins and needles in left hand and feet only
Hissing in ears
brain in a fog all the time with a pressure on the left side of head
cracking joints and dull pain in elbow
also wake up with jerks gasping for air in the middle of the night
cant sleep since probably due to anxiety and looking these up online.

Went to a nuro who did a nuro exam and and Nerve condition study both were normal. Also got a MRI of the brain and ears found some spots that were not considered a deliberating disease and said all these are related to Vitamin Def b12 and Vit d.

Now I am stuck feeling like this everyday and associating this with ALS could this be it. Just need some clarity from everyone here that has gone through this.

Thank you,
I for one have not gone through the symptoms you described, but i would suggest you see your GP and start your pursuit of what is causing your problems.
Thank you FireFighter i really appreciate your response. Going back my GP to start this process over again then.
Nothing here sounds like ALS to me.

Have you started taking supplements to deal with the vitamin deficiencies?
Thank you NUTS
yes I have a few weeks ago.. don't see any changes body still feels tired and left arm and leg are very shaky with the twitches..
Addressing deficiencies is usually not an instant thing, so give it a few weeks, but also, if you were really low on D and B12, you might ask your internist to rule out illnesses that would lead to deficiencies. Unless you're a vegetarian, in which case, I would consult a dietician.
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