Sound like als?

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New member
Mar 13, 2016
Hi all, I'm 27 years old male relatively healthy and in decent shape. FOR over a year now I e been getting odd things happening some of which have come some have gone. so just about a year ago I started getting this vibration feeling in my legs that would wake me up, my legs weren't physically vibrating just insidea it felt like. FAST forward a couplle months my arms and legs felt weak but had all my strength in them just felt weak as well as twitches all over. fastforward to now that has all stopped accept the twitches I get those just not as much. So now I started having like must le soreness in my legs in certain areas almost like a cramp feeling but not cramping. AND arms. HAVEN'T lost strength anywhere. does any of this sounds like als? Sorry if I sound stupid for asking but seeing as you all are very helpfull I thought I'd ask
Please- you are asking people who are suffering with serious illness. You are not accepting their answers. I looked back at your old post and you were given quite a fair amount of reassurance and advice already. Why are you asking people who are really struggling with their own illness to make you feel better?

A doctor would be your best bet if you are worried about your health, not a bunch of ill strangers on the internet.
I understand that and it's not fair statement but I did get new symptoms so I thought I'd ask. I appologize. Even tho use are saying no I hope I can find out what's causING these body sensations.
The list of possible causes is long and the vast majority are benign.

If you put the energy into sleep, exercise, de-stressing, balanced diet, hydration and something that takes you outside yourself, from a nature walk to volunteering to help those less fortunate, that you are putting into shoehorning yourself into illness without having seen an internist, likely you wouldn't be here.

Everything I ever thought I had was sorted out by a Family Practice MD or an Internist, and that only a couple of times with help from a specialist. Laurie is so right.

I think one thing that gets people screwed into this ALS thought train is that it is a neurological condition, and has some vague and non specific symptoms that are shared by numerous other conditions and NON conditions. Your description has NO ALS symptoms, not even one. My husband would kill at this point to be an ALS free 27 year old. Enjoy your life, because that's you.
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