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Sep 24, 2015
I have tried to refrain from posting on here. I apologize if I am bothering anyone. I have been experiencing symptoms for 16 months now . I just don't have the guts to go back to the doctor . For my job I had a general physical and my reflexes were normal . They had me stand on my toes and do a squat. I did all of those with no problem . They also had me stand with my feet together with my eyes closed . They stated that was normal . In my last post I was complaining about muscle stiffness in my legs. Now they has completely disappeared for a few months now. The weak feeling in my legs comes and goes now. But now I have issues walking on floors that are shiny. I feel like my feet are sinking in ground . Sometimes when I'm standing still I feel like gravity is pulling down. When I'm in open spaces I feel off balance like I could fall. When I am standing still my feet feel like I'm sinking also. Standing for long periods of time I feel like I have to consentrate to stand still . I am I going threw hell and I'm very depressed. I just got Married and had my new born son 2 days ago. I can't even enjoy these times because I am also thinking about ALS 24/7 . I have people watch me walk and they say I look normal ! I just don't it

No paragraphs just a blob of text I didn't read through, so no PALS will be able to.

I stopped at you don't have guts to go to the doctor as the text then blurred into a mess of all the stuff you can still do.

You will bother terminally ill people instead REALLY???

You do NOT HAVE ALS, please to go anxiety zone or anywhere, but this is just not on mate. STOP.
None of this sounds at all like my experience. I still feel nothing. When I DO fall it is a surprise. I am sorry you feel like it and that is ruining this incredibly joyful time ( congratulations on your marriage and child). Please please go to the doctor You have already been checked by your work physician so we know your exam was ok ( no way could I either walk on my toes or do a squat without landing on the ground by the way) but you need a focused exam by your doctor to tell you not ALS and to see if there is anything physically going on. Good luck
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ALS symptoms don't come and go..
Let me put this in perspective for you, in the 16 months you have been having symptoms you have had stiffness that has come and gone, and you feel weak and off balance and you have to concentrate to stand still and are worried that you will fall in open spaces.

In that same 16 months I have gone from being a normal person with a slight limp to someone who can only shuffle three or four steps with the aid of a walker before my legs give way. I have also lost most of the use of one of my arms and body stability. Last week I fell off a toilet because it wasn't one with disabled facilities and there was no grab rail to hold myself steady.

Your doctors have told you you don't have this. Work with them to sort your health anxiety, it's that that is putting you through hell not ALS. The people on this forum can help and support regarding ALS but not health anxiety.

Enjoy your new family.

I am so very sorry Wendy ...that's my mothers name who also gets pissed off when I bring up ALS. I will seek help for this ...I know I need to stop.
I don't want you to think I am annoyed with you, I'm not. I was just trying to push you into directing your efforts into addressing your problems with doctors/ people who can help you. When you get fixated on one thing it can actually prevent you getting the right treatment.

You have the opportunity to get help and heal, please do that. I sincerely hope that you can get to the stage where you can enjoy your life again. Being on here, feeding your obsession by dwelling on this is self destructive, which is so sad.

Good luck
I will seek help for this ...I know I need to stop.

I'm so glad to hear this and if you come back here again I will simply repost that to you every time.

Please don't expect people with a terminal disease to support you when you clearly do NOT have ALS. All the best, what you do have IS treatable!
I understand I appreciate the responses and I am sorry y'all . Just been stressing out lately
You seem like a nice guy ChiffonRay. You have some great things in your life. If you have not already, pick up the phone and call your doctor so you can move on with your life and savor every moment with your family.

I think now is a good time to close this thread. Wishing you much happiness
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