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New member
May 16, 2016
Learn about ALS
Los Angeles
Hi everyone. 27 year old male here. So for the last 4 months I have been experiencing some symptoms and stumbled on this site (big mistake googling the symptoms, I know!) Have always had health anxiety and this time its reached a point where I don't feel like I can ever get over it, but since now its focused entirely on ALS I just wanted to ask everyone here for some advice. Just note, my health insurance is bad and I don't want to go to a neuro unless absolutely necessary!

This started in Dec 2015 when I developed a perianal fistula and was being treated for that. Around the same time I had this issue where my left hamstring and calf started hurting and mildly cramping when sitting down. This goes away whenever I get up and walk around. Now my gp said it was nothing but I did what everyone says not to and googled possible causes and immediately DVT and blood clots came up. So until about a week ago I was worried I had blood clots. But then last week I was at a movie theater and suddenly my left calf started to twitch uncontrollably. It stopped about 5 seconds and I didn't know what to make of it and went to search about calf twitches and boom, I ended up on here.

That's where everything started spiralling downward. My twitches were not big, or lasting very long but soon I started to feel them everywhere. Mostly on my calf but lately less on the calf and more near my knees and back near my shoulder blades. I've felt them on my right tricep and bicep and near my ankles. They don't happen much on my large muscles as frequently. I've been testing myself for weakness continuously everywhere i go (standing on my tip toes, lifting things over and over again, comparing arm and leg strength at the gym) and I haven't really noticed any weakness yet either. I do get this warm rushing feelings to my calf, ankle and foot and my left foot and toes hurt a bit when I walk. Its just, as I try to calm myself down, I feel a twitch somewhere and I immediately test that muscle for weakness and I worry about it for hours. I feel like I'm more sore now just from over testing my muscles for weakness but I can't shake the feeling like i'm missing something. I examine myself in the mirror for muscle wasting, and I panic when I see even a little difference in my symptoms. I feel like I noticed a bit of weakness in my left arm and my fingers, and sometimes my left toe goes numb, but I can never seem to confirm if its real. I start to notice even more now when I drop something or trip somewhere. And I start to think was it this hard to lift this object 2 weeks ago, or was it always like this? Its only been a week and a few days since the first twitch. And I also started to wonder if I've been twitching even longer and I just didn't notice this before.

Now I can't make it up in my mind whether these are anxiety induced twitches and pains, and weakness or whether this is the start of something I should be worried about. Some advice would be great from all of you. Again, I'm sorry to be wasting everyones time, but I can't concentrate on anything else and I feel like people on here are really good and seeing if anything mentioned on these forums have some meaning.
I don't see anything wrong with you whatsoever, except that you think there's something wrong with you.

In any case, there's nothing even approaching ALS in your post.
Please mate go to a general health anxiety forum where you can talk all this out. We are looking after terminally ill people. All the best
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