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New member
Apr 7, 2016
Learn about ALS
Hi everyone,

Recently I have started to experience some pain along my left arm and sometimes in my wrist and palm. It doesnt feel weak. In fact I am able to button up my shirt in the morning just fine. I can also type the same as I am always able to. The arm feels a bit strained I guess you could say.

Let me state that I am both a web developer and a gamer. I sit in front of a computer all day and generally lean my head on my arm a lot. At home I have a computer and when gaming I play in a really weird position. I have my elbows bent out holding the controller on the sides(it helps me to play Halo 5 a bit better and helps me to focus). The does generally cause me arm pain in the left arm. Im also tend to lean to my left side a little, which is weird because my dominant side is my right. The pain isnt always there however and kind of comes and goes. As does the weird tingle in the wrist.

I did a symptom checker on WebMD and 1 of the diseases that came up was ALS or MS. I feel kind of silly for asking this and I got worried kind of quickly as I heard cramping and stiffness are a symptom of ALS. I also read a story online about an older gentleman that had the disease and had cramping in his legs only at night who alter got diagnosed with ALS. I mean i Google ALS and i get stories of people who are around my age or younger (29) getting this disease.

Thank you all and I wish you the best.
Hey there-

ALS is at the bottom of a very VERY long list of things that can cause muscle and nerve issues. Just as a cough does not = lung cancer, arm and hand pain does not = ALS. Ask any physio or chiropractor, massage therapist, osteopath or therapist about the issues that are arising due to posture as a result of our new screen driven jobs and activities. There was an article written the other day on Gamma Squad (I think that was the one) about one game dev's experience with Occipital Neuralgia. Something like this would be way more likely than ALS. I'd recommend seeing a physiotherapist first. They can track your movement, posture and get a baseline f your symptoms and help you figure out if there's a postural component to your symptom. If your physio or doctor sees something of concern after you work with them, they would then refer you on to a neurologist to check for a neurological issue.

I hope you see someone about your arm pain. While not ALS, it is something serious to get taken care of. Compression of nerves can cause some loss of strength and control of an affected limb.
Thank you Shiftkicker. I should call a doctor or perhaps take some tylenol. This could also be Carpel tunnel since I do play games and type a lot. I dont think WebMD is a good site for anybody to look at. I havent had any weakness although i think my left arm has always been a little weaker than my right due to my right being the dominant hand.

So you dont think i have to worry about ALS?
ALS is not what jumps out at me- ALS is the thing that gets diagnosed when they've eliminated dozens (hundreds?) of other things. If you are seriously concerned, visit a doctor or physio, who can check for the many other signs of neurological issues that you are not able to assess on your own.

WebMD, Dr Google and all internet based medical symptom searches do not give you reasonable and responsibly weighted results- they are literal only, and will list everything from least likely to what is usually reality. For example, if you look up joint pain, the first website lists possible causes that include Gonorrhea and cancer, but also include flu and arthritis. That's a big stretch between arthritis and Gonorrhea. Same for arm pain- which lists heart disease, rickets, flesh eating disease and postural compression amongst possible causes.
I also forgot to mention that I am getting some pain in the muscle just under the thumb. Sometimes in the fingers but it really comes and goes. I have no idea why i forgot to mention this earlier.
Nothing you posted sounds like ALS.
Dev, see an orthopedic surgeon but you are in the wrong place here.

I am sorry but I have 1 more question. Can ALS cause muscle cramps? I am not sure if these pains are related to cramps or not. They happen a bit randomly throughout the day. The pain comes and goes. For example yesterday my forearm didnt have any pain. Today there was some. It goes away in about a minute or so.

Again thanks for any help. I am going to get a GP appointment next week if I have the time.
It's still not anything like ALS
Right I figured. I have had muscle cramps in my thigh. I gave myself a charlie horse one time. Just not sure if my arm are muscle cramps or not since the pain doesnt last very long.
Is it an early sign of ALS if a backpack feels like it gets heavier? I carry a 20lb backpack to and from work for about 7 long blocks. This morning my shoulder was fine, but then carrying it back at around 5pm it felt a little heavier. My shoulder got strained a bit quicker i guess. I am not sure if this is because i was wearing lighter cloths while carrying, as the past few months i was wearing a jacket which could have made it feel lighter.

Thanks for any help lately.
Webdev- go and see a doctor about your concerns. A heavier feeling backpack is not symptomatic of ALS.
Well it did feel heavier but also hurt the shoulder after carrying it. I kind that lightness feeling after i put it down which i didnt get this morning.
Honestly, we can't keep at it with you this way.

Read the sticky AGAIN or maybe you haven't still.

Whatever you 'feel' will not be ALS.
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