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New member
Dec 23, 2015
6 october
Hi everybody
This is my second post. In my first one I said all my symptoms . But now they are getting worse. My legs weakness and stiffness become more and more worse. Also I have a pain in my left ankle. My EMG shows a F wave delayed latency in all the limbs especially the legs. I am so worried. Any opinion? (Sorry for my bad english.)
What you report is a nerve conduction test abnormality not EMG ( ncs= shocks, emg =needles) that indicates a possible issue other than ALS. You need to work with your doctor
Yes it wasnt a needle. But I read that the f wave has something to do wit als. Is this right? And what about my legs symptoms isnt typicall with als? Do you suggest that I do an EMG ?Sorry for disturbance
42 years old female…5 months ago with a burning headache and pain in my neck with numbness and tingling of both arms, one month later my arms begin to be a little weak…extends to my left leg and then the two legs…blood, brain mri, lumbar mri, cervical mri and finally an Emg…a cervical spondylosis in many levels, a disc at c7 and a cord compresion….delayed F latencies in both upper and lower nerves…stifness and pain in almost all my muscles (except face)… cramps in legs and arms especially at night. I am so scared from ALS…legs weakness and stiffness become more and more worse…pain in my left ankle.

YAHANA, thank you for all the data. Your English is good.
There must be some medical problem, but I can’t tell what it is.
Your problem does not look like ALS to me.
You must work with your doctor to discover the problem.
But don’t worry about ALS. Please see your doctor.
Mike thank you for your reply
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