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New member
Mar 7, 2016
Learn about ALS
Hey guys long time lurker here. I am here to talk about a concern I have been having for a few months.

For a few months my right calf has been crampy and aching with soreness. It usually numbish and sore, worse when standing and walking. Not only do I have a pulling sensation when I walk, I actually cramp up after walking for a while. The pain is right behind the knee and below it. the cramps usually appear anywhere along the medial gastro. the cramps are real and not in my head. 2 months ago I cramped while walking and since then it's gotten worse. Standing and putting pressure on one leg make it numb even to the anterior tibial part of the shin(the muscle on the outside leg). While standing on a subway for example it goes numb when putting pressure on the right side.

Now how could this be ALS? well I started noticing twitching there recently. I saw the twitching a few times. I don't see muscle wasting. The affected calf actually is actually more muscular. However the thigh doesn't seem as ripped on that side. I don't have any thigh symptoms that I can tell however. Now I know ALS is a stretch but I just wanted to get your thoughts on this?

Can ALS start in the calf muscle? Is numbness while walking a symptom?

A little background, I am 27 and a male. about regular weight. Used to go to the gym alot but not being able to walk without cramping has halted me. Went to my GP and he said calf strain/tendinitis. how can you get tendinitis in the calf? I have no Achilles tendon symptoms/soreness/aching. I do get slight cramps in other parts of the body eg when I Bench press my pecs can cramp, which is weird and something I have never had before. Stretching/ICE/Elevation none of this has helped over the last 4-5 months I have been doing them. I can still walk on toes and heels. but walking on toes makes the affected calf ache.

I know you guys will say go to a doctor but the GP here is useless. I've seen him in the past for other ailments and he's a complete waste of time and continues to send me for tests for unrelated matters. What kind of doctor next? Should I go to Physio? Orthoepdic doctor? Neurologist? I am not worried about the twitching at all as I know things like Stress and anxiety can feed it.
Not ALS.
There's not a single thing in your post that has anything to do with ALS.
You should find another GP medical doctor, since you don't trust this one.
Thanks Mike, I'm not too worried about als, I don't know why I posted on this board. Guess the anxiety. I do hope whatever this lower leg/calf issue is does get resolved.
I have a quick question about spasticity. I mentioned that pulling feeling in the calf while walking, is that spasticity? I have heard spasticity is related to increased muscle tone. The limb causing problems for me, the calf is a lot more muscular. Could that be spasticity? I am certain I don't have ALS just wanted to know what that was since people here seem to be very knowledgeable about it.
I am certain I don't have ALS

I'm so sorry, but this is an ALS support forum. You may need to ask a doctor, or maybe there is a suitable forum for you.
Cool. I'm out, I should have known better not to bother people here who have actual issues. For anyone suffering/suffered from this disease or know anyone that has, I hope you find peace and joy where you can. Can't say I'll understand your pain. Goodbye folks, thanks for the help.
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