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Feb 23, 2016
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salt lake city

I am a 30 year old man (husband and father of two kids) and have been having fasciculations all over my body all day and night. They first started about 5 weeks ago in my legs/calves but also sporadically happen all over the rest of my body (arms, hands, feet, face, eye lids, face, back, etc.). I've seen a doctor and he said it was probably nothing and mentioned it could be anxiety. Since this has continued for 5 weeks I have become very concerned from all my Google searches / WebMD symptom checker results. My calf muscles were feeling a little achy (but not weak) and tight but stretching has seemed to help. What really has me concerned is that I was running the other day and suddenly felt soreness in my upper neck/shoulders in my back. This felt like a burning almost as if I was working out that muscle group. I have been feeling this randomly throughout the day. My left hand also has twitches and has started to feel tense. Its almost the same feeling as when your hand is really cold and your fingers feel slow to move and somewhat clumsy. Even typing feels a bit awkward although I can still grip tightly. I have a EMR scheduled soon but am very scared that it could be ALS. I am a bit of a worrier and tend to think things are wrong with me, but these symptoms feel so real and closely related to ALS. Would anyone mind sharing their thoughts based on your experiences?
So your doctor looked at your symptoms and said could be nothing, probably just anxiety. This made you even more anxious, keeping the twitching going. The fact you can run points away from ALS. Burning pain is also not an ALS symptom. Go and enjoy a long life watching your kids grow up. You have nothing that sounds like ALS.
Hi Vincent,

I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post. I'm sure I'm asking questions that have been recited over and over in other posts (and am sorry for that). I am hoping for the best with my EMG and appreciate your encouraging words. Its inspiring to see such an amazing group of people like yourself who are so willing to share your support and experiences. I wish you the best.

God bless,
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