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Aug 31, 2015
My evaluation at Vanderbilt is coming up on Dec. 17. I am hoping for the best but planning for the worst since I am having more and more trouble walking, falling and now using my hands. I have been waiting since August so I want to make sure there are no unnecessary delays. So my questions are these:

If this is ALS, is it better to go to the ALS clinic at Vanderbilt which is 2 hours away or go to the one in Huntsville which is 10 minutes away and a "certified center of excellence (not sure what that exactly means)?

Not sure they will even give a diagnosis on the 17th but do I need something in writing to give to an ALS clinic?

Have all my records together so thanks again with your help on that. Wendy
Closer is of course great. I don't know if anyone has experience with either place. If you get a diagnosis from Vanderbilt you could go to the other clinic for a second opinion and then decide which you like better bearing in mind it gets harder to get places as time goes on. Keep your eyes open and if you get a chance chat with other patients in the waiting room.
As you probably are not applying for disability I don't know you need to get anything in writing at the time of your appointment. What the other clinic would need would be your medical records including the Vanderbilt notes and I think you would have a regular consult with the doctor on the first visit. good luck
Thank you. I will keep you posted!
I like the idea of seeing both clinics. You must always get a second opinion.
And I differ with Nikki a little. Any time you see a doctor in regards to something this serious, I would want to have some sort of official documentation that says exactly what they're willing to own up to. If they don't diagnose you, I would at least want a copy of the chart notes. If they do give you a diagnosis, I would ask for a letter stating that. This is good for two reasons: fully understanding exactly what you have, and documenting that for others to understand--like HR at work or Social Security, etc.
Since op is 72 Ssdi is not an issue and as I said probably is not applying for disability. If I remember correctly my disability at work would have not been available after 65 even if a person was still working. And she was asking if she needed a letter to go to another clinic. They won't want a letter. They want clinical notes as I said
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Thanks, you all. Will try to check out both clinics and, at least get their notes! I appreciate your help!
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