21 yr old female. worride about als

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Nov 16, 2015
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Hi im 21 on saturday . a few months ago i started getting pins and needles that would start in my fingers go up too my face then my face go numb. then my hands would shake and my fingers feel stiff and clamey. it went away for about a month. now i have had a stiff neck to the point where i cant hold it straight. my hands still feel stiff and my arms ache just by doing the easiest things. i also have been getting lots of excess saliva and my throat feels swollen and my tongue goes numb. mylegs are feet are so sore in the morning. im so scared.i have a two yr old son . and o always get so tired. does this sound like als. im very over weight and tyoe 1 diabetes is in our family and i had gesgastional diabetes while pregnant.could it be that. also my skin is covered in white spots and black /grey bruise looking marks
Great news honey, this does not even sound remotely like ALS. Not even one single thing you are experiencing.

It sounds as though you need to get yourself to your doctor and have this all checked out as complications from diabetes are not to be ignored if this is the cause.

Please stay away from sites like this and seek medical attention urgently.
You don't have any ALS symptoms. But, you do need to see a doctor immediately! Have you even called your doctor yet. You being diabetic and having white spots and bruising is very alarming. Don't waste your time on here. I would be going to a urgent care right now.
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