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New member
Oct 28, 2015
I know I sound like just a million of other paranoid people on the internet, but please help me to see what this could be, and I'm panicking thinking I have ALS...

At about November of last year I developed a few non-ALS related symptoms (headaches being one of the primary ones). I want to say, the past month and a half I've developed a plethora of startling symptoms...
About a month and a half ago, I noticed a speech issue. It's not that I'm so much slurring, but the production of speech just feels hard, particularly I have to focus extremely hard on enunciating. I also have shaky hands, not that like, causes me to spill drinks or anything, but shaky enough to notice. Soon after this, I developed hand weakness. Typing feels strenuous, but I have had a time where my hands just stop working, or I can't hold it up. My weakness does not appear to be what ALS presents as, but every source I've looked at has different information on it. For example, I can curl 25lb dumbbells my roommate has (as well as a scrawny 19 year old can), but typing feels strenuous and my hand gets tired after doing more than signing my name.

Now for the scariest things...
I was sitting in class last Thursday and I noticed a muscle twitch in my right calf. It was vibrant enough to visibly see through my jeans. It started there, and now I get twitches in any part of my body. I've had them in my arms, legs, neck, face and even my back. They don't present with any sort of succession or follow-up. It's like, I'll twitch once or twice, or for a few minutes, and then it'll stop for a while and move somewhere else. The twitches are only in the muscles, like ones you get randomly every now and again. It hasn't been to a point where my limbs or any part of my body, like fingers or toes, jerk themselves or swing about. Just muscles in the limbs.
Lastly, I was walking later that same day, and I felt this feeling like my legs were wet. It felt like water was running down my legs and I thought I had pissed my pants. Upon feeling and looking, I had not done either. This has happened a total of three times since last Thursday. I have a doctor's appointment Thursday to follow up from my last appointment where I discussed some concerns. My MRI from July looked normal she said, but she is probably going to refer me to a neurologist.

Should I tell her about my worries of ALS? I also am incredibly paranoid if it isn't ALS, it's Huntington's. There is no known HD in my family, but my grandpa passed a couple weeks ago from two cancers, and in his last couple days, he had these hand tremors where his hand would jerk away from him. I'm just terrified this is something that will kill me at such a young age, and I'm even more terrified it's genetic.. I can't bear the thought of this happening to my little brothers...
Hi Stephen. First, how old are you? If you're 19, you can pretty much just leave now. This is an old person's disease.

You symptoms don't seem like ALS. You probably already know that from reading the "sticky post" stuck at the top of this subforum, titled "New Members Read This Before Posting.

You might have something going on that needs to get fixed. But you didn't describe ALS. Twitches are very common in many conditions. Healthy people twitch, too. Feeling like your leg is wet: That's weird, but not ALS.

Don't try to diagnose yourself. Let the doctors do that for you. I wouldn't worry about ALS in the meantime.
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