Arm atrophy? Feeling tired/weak

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Jul 30, 2015
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Today I've noticed that my left arm felt tired and fatigued even when I'm not doing anything special with my left arm while my right arm was completely fine.

I've been physically inactive and had poor diet (skinny and very little muscle) for a long time so I'm not fit, but when I still flex my biceps, I find that my right bicep is noticeably bigger then my left.

Do you think ALS could be the problem that is causing muscle atrophy resulting in fatigued feeling on my arm and it being weak, or would it just because of my physical inactiveness? I haven't found any simple tasks being impossible for me but I was just worried as my right bicep is noticeably bigger then my left even though I don't particularly work out only my right bicep.

I'm a worried 20 y.o male.
Thank you in advance!
I figured I can still do some biceps-focused pushups if that means anything.
Hax, the answer to your question is 1) no to ALS 2) most people have different musculature in the 2 biceps due to inclination, daily tasks, handedness

If you start exercising more consistently, it is likely that both will bulk up, but likely never exactly be the same. Maybe make sure your regimen includes bicep curls and triceps.
Haxify, I have one foot longer than the other, one leg longer than the other, and even one boob bigger than the other! And I don't have ALS. I even had to look up what atrophy really meant, because no one on the planet should know what atrophy means unless they really have to. From what I do know, atrophy comes way after the muscle stops working. If you can still do push ups etc, dude, you're all good.
If it's still worrying you after the above advice, see your doctor. He can alleviate any ALS fears for you.
All the best with your new work out routine, Janelle
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