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Aug 22, 2015
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Sorry to bother but I have a question regarding what upper motor neuron means. I ama 19 year old female (I know I don't qualify for als, I read the sticky note) however I am curious about how some people are diagnosed with als with just the upper motor neuron problems. For the past 3 months my health has been concerning me. I, along with my mom, and doctors believed I had ms. I have all the classical first symptoms: tingling in my leg, hand, fingers, along with numbness. I also have terrible brain fog, dizziness, fatigue, and I have been falling over things because my balance is so off centered. I have seen an allergist, ent, gotten bloodwork done, ct scan, MRI, and seen a neurologist. Everyone had convinced me that I was dealing with the early symptoms of ms. However when I got the MRI there was only ONE lesion and the neurologist said that it is not in the general ms region. She performed her exam and said No to ms. She ordered a spinal MRI to rule out a spine issue. I also got an emg done on my lower left leg where I had terrible tingling and numbness. Now I know this doesn't sound like als HOWEVER I am wondering if anyone with als can help explain what upper motor neuron problems are and if a lesion shows up with that. My lesion was found right side middle of brain. Before anyone bashes me I would like to say that I do not want to waste anyone's time I am just simply curious if this lesion could be an indicator of Upper motor neuron problem. I haven't noticed any arm weakness except for the occasional sore feeling. My doctor doesn't explain much so I just want to clarify if this could be an issue later on. Also if anyone knows if this could sound like Parkinson's?
Any advice would help
Thank you in advance
Mris in upper motor neuron disease do not show a lesion like you described. Umnd ( PLS) does not have the symptoms you describe. Your neurologist would be the one to find upper motor neuron problems as they are detected on the clinical exam not through tests. I don't think you have motor neuron disease and I believe that MRI can miss MS in a small number of cases. If the spinal exploration does not pan out I would ask if perhaps a spinal tap is needed
Also what does the term hand clumsiness mean in reference to als? Sorry for bothering
Thank you for the response. Do you know if the emg test can find ms/Parkinson's? I am scheduled to get another one done next week but I am not sure what to be looking for at this point.
this could sound like Parkinson's? ...Do you know if the emg test can find ms/Parkinson's?

Sorry, Sam. Our website is only for those people concerned with ALS. Otherwise, it gets too busy. We can't allow this site to become unfocused, allowing non-ALS questions. Half our members are dying and can barely operate a mouse or keyboard, but they are dedicated to helping others in similar straits. The other half of our members are caring for the dying people. Don't worry. I'm sure you can get your EMG and Parkinson's questions answered elsewhere. We need to keep this website clear for people concerned about ALS. Good luck. --Mike
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