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New member
Jul 17, 2015
Learn about ALS
Good afternoon everyone,

First let me say that I am not looking for a diagnosis, just opinions. I know that only my doctor can diagnose me with anything and as I have to wait a month to see him I thought maybe some of you could share your educated thoughts on my situation.

So around early February of this year I started experiencing a burning sensation in my left arm. I thought it was odd since I had not been working out regularly. The burning/ uncomfortable feeling went on for a few weeks and then subsided. I chalked it up to leaning on my arm too much since I had to work on my computer a couple of hours a day for weeks on end. The fasciculations came on slowly at first. It started in my left arm (the one that had been burning) then spread everywhere quite quickly. The fasciculations were not constant and didn't happen often.

Fast forward to about two weeks ago, I started noticing that I have been dropping things more frequently. My fasciculations have been in over drive. They are not constant but happen a number of times of day in various parts of my body (hands, arms, legs, back, butt, etc.). My left arm now feels weak. I woke up about 2 days ago with my shoulder feeling odd. It was stiff like and whenever I moved it, it would pop. The burning has also returned in various parts of my bicep then subside only to return again. I have also been experiencing pins and needles in my left arm and in my thighs as well. I can still do mostly all of my normal activities with my left arm. I tried doing some push ups the other day and I could do them fine but I woke up the next day with a sore left arm even though I only did 10 pushups. My legs don't feel weak but they do feel heavy and I'm constantly tired even after getting a full night's rest.

I know that since I'm only 24 and a female the chances of me getting ALS is quite low but these symptoms are just so odd and I'm a bundle of nerves. Any opinions would be helpful.
I forgot to add that I also have been experiencing jerk like motions in the last few days when I'm lying down or relaxing. They aren't huge jerks but noticeable and I get them mainly in my legs.
KittyKat, welcome. You not in danger of developing ALS.

First, ALS doesn’t burn, feel weak, have pins and needles or feel heavy. New onset ALS doesn’t make you tired.

Second, twitches are so common they are not diagnostic of anything. And ALS twitches don’t occur all over.

Third, ALS is an old people’s disease. Don’t worry about it at 24.

Dropping things might be another problem, but frankly it could just be a statistical anomaly.

Jerking in the legs could be Restless Legs Syndrome. Very common.

Nothing you posted would make me concerned about anything, quite frankly. Certainly not ALS.
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