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New member
Jun 3, 2015
Learn about ALS
Dear all,

I have read about ALS in the past week because of my issues.I have weak right leg when walking- something like its very light and it is very tired after just small exercise,twitching on my calfes and sometimes on all my body also during the day. I also feel a bit numbness on my left hand pinkie.My neck is kind of stiff and also my muscles around my mouth when I try to do a grimasse, also on my tonge I feel like worms on the top in the middle and beginning. I am worried about starting muscle atrophy.I have also problem with dizziness and coordination and I feel that I have difficulties move my tongue to my last teeth in my lower jar and my voice changed. I also have noticed slower speak, wet caugh and I sweat a lot during night in those 2 weeks. I have read about ALS and I am freaked out I have bulbar onset, because in past 2 weeks these symptoms have shown and getting worse day by day.

Please help.
I forgot to say that I am 34 yo.
Muscle atrophy comes only after the muscle has ceased to function.

Please read the sticky note at the top of this forum titled "New Members: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING!"

Most of your questions will be answered there. If they're not answered, then ask here.

weak right leg when walking >>> ALS doesn't feel weak
very tired after just small exercise >>> ALS doesn't make you tired.
twitching >>> Very common.
numbness on my left hand >>> ALS doesn't feel numb
neck is kind of stiff >>> ALS doesn't feel stiff
have difficulties move my tongue to my last teeth >>> get this checked out.

MORIE: Your symptoms do not sound like ALS.
If you can't move your tongue, you should see a doctor.
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