Seriously wonder if i have als.

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New member
Dec 4, 2014
sioux city
First off i will start with that im 26/M and i have been extremely anxious lately before my fear of als. It started with me concerned over some bumps in my chest but those have been diagnosed as lipomas so that here nor there. But i started having strange sensations in my left hand when opening lids and stuff and pain in my elbow when i use my hand alot, That hasnt changed much. About 2 days ago ( while still extremely anxious) i felt my left leg start to feel strange like it wasnt right, yesterday idk if its in my head or not but i felt like i needed to constantly flex my leg like it was weak and felt like i couldnt walk right. It frightens me to think of having this as ive just been married and have two young children. Im prone to health anxiety and constantly think its the worst thing i can get. Please any help would be greatly appreciated. Im still very anxious over this and when i brought it up to my doctor he basically told me to forget about als.
So if you have health anxiety and your doctor told you to forget about ALS, why are you here? We are not doctors, so were aren't going to second guess the one you have, and if you've read the stickies as you should you already know what the answer will be. NO, nothing sounds like ALS. Please accept this answer and don't come back with more symptoms (as too many people with health anxiety issues doe). Take a deep breath--you don't belong here. You might try finding a health anxiety forum. Best of luck, I sincerely help you get the help you need, it's just not here.
Forget about ALS. You don't have it.
Nothing you wrote reminded me of ALS.
Possibly a pinched nerve in your back, but I don't know.
Although I'm not a doctor and I can't diagnose you, I know ALS pretty well and I an say with confidence that you don't have it.
Trust your doctors.
Isn't it amazing how many of these people skip right past the part about reading the stickies which would answer most of their questions and want people who have limited abilities and are dying or have limited time because they're taking care of the first group to answer the same old question again and again
If you read the stickies they would have answered your questions. You don't have ALS and that is the only medical thing we are qualifed or are willing to discuss. So, please look elsewhere for you answers. Maybe, a psychiatrist would be a good choice.
You don't have ALS. And you're 26? Read on:

The incidence of ALS is roughly 2 in every 100,000 . . . and of that . . . only 5% are diagnosed prior to the age of 30 . . . and the further away from 30 you are, the more diminished your chances.

So let's do some numbers:

2/100,000 is 0.002% chance (which is about the same chances of getting hit by lightning according to the Red Cross).

Now let's take your age into consideration. Again, only 5% are diagnosed prior to age 30, so to get that percentage, simply take 0.002% and multiply it by 5% (i.e. 0.05). That gives a percentage of 0.0001% or a 1 in million chance . . . and that's at best. Again, the further away from 30 you are, the more diminished your chances".
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