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New member
Sep 8, 2014
Learn about ALS
Hello everyone, I am very sorry for everybody that is suffering g from this dreadful disease. If I had extra money, I would donate to this great cause.

Now, my symptoms are weird, I am an 18 year old with weird symptoms that started in June. The left side of my face feels right, I feel tingling in my scalp, a lump in my throat and I feel like I am slurring but when I ask others they don't hear it, neck and shoulder pain, my left shin and calf hurts when I sit down but feels better when I walk a bit, my left hand feels stiff.

Do any of these symptoms relate with Als? Please help. Thanks
No honey. Tingling, pain, and slurring-- all rule out the onset of ALS. Even the slurring starts out differently, with a gravelly voice and others can hear it.

Please forget about ALS, you don't have it. Go to a doctor to get the symptoms you are having checked out.
Thank you for your reply, has anybody here on this forum seen anybody my age get bulbar onset or even juvenile on this forum? The reason I ask is because I recently infected with herpes, and if any viruses can cause als? And I also got the second gardasil shot which I heard caused als in 2 girls?
There were apparently 2 cases where girls got gardasil and then ALS. This was 5 years ago, they never proved it caused ALS and no reports since.
Herpes can have some neurological effects but there is no indication that it causes ALS
We had one person who posted briefly claiming to be a teenager with ALS but they also said they had the familial form which would not be you. They were not bulbar
Your symptoms do not sound remotely like ALS anyway. Go to see your physician but forget about ALS
Thanks for your input everyone, and Ik this is a dumb question but can anxiety cause the neck pain?

Also, can bulbar symptoms and limb onset happen at the same time if it were als?
If you know it's a dumb question, why take up space here asking it? Stress can cause a whole host of symptoms--there's your third answer. If you read through posts by other people asking if they have ALS, you'll realize that continuing to ask questions in the hopes of a different answer just irritates people on this forum who are dealing with a truly horrific disease. The next person you ask about your symptoms should be your doctor.
I am sorry for bothering you guys, I'll end this forum immediately. Thank you for your time.
May God bless you and keep you close to Him.
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