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New member
Sep 23, 2014
Learn about ALS
this is my first post in this forum, so let me introduce myself
i'm male 25 years old, currently living in Jakarta, Indonesia (so i beg your pardon if my english not so good)

the last couple of months has been really stressful
it begins approx 3 months ago when i feel my right arms weakened, my grip on the right hand is not as strong as my left ( i am right dominant), my left hand got tired easily as i lift it up for holding my phone or reading newspaper. i also noticed my right thenar muscle is smaller than my left.
as i can't stand it anymore, a month ago, after some googling i decided to go see a neurologist. he diagnosed me with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and gave me some medication. after 2 appointment i don't feel any good progress.

a week ago i noticed weakness on my right foot, it got easily tired and cramps after a long walk (this is not happening in my left foot). as i observe more, i noticed that my foot arch on the right is higher than the left the muscle near it is also looks wasted. as i use it for walking and standing, i notice that my inner right foot (where the arch is) is not touching the ground, it fells really obvious compared to my left foot. it also seems like my right shoe feels loose as if it were bigger than the left one.
i can still hop on the stairs with no problems, but it feels awkward when im walking as all parts of my left foot almost touch the ground (inner or outer) comparing to the right foot where only the outer part touch the ground.

as i grows scared day by day, last monday i decided to see another neurologist and tell him my conditions. he did some strength test on me. he asked me to lift both my hand, buttoned and unbuttoned my shirt, stand on my toes, stand with one leg and lift my body with one leg alternately. every single test seems to be no problem for me to perform.
he just said that i just need to do some gymnastic.
as i show him my thenar muscle and my foot he said he didn't noticed any atrophy.

last night i couldnt sleep at all, every time i'm about to enter the deep sleep my body trembles on its own (sleep jerking)

my appetite seems declining and my body got thinner (i dont know if this is due to i'm being stressed or something else).

anyone can give me some information about my cases?
i'm really grows scared day by day and the stress starts to taking toll on my daily work.
:cry: :cry:
Hi -- ALS/MND is a scary disease to consider/fear. We empathize. This note is not to deter you from your investigations, but just so thoughts on how we can help each other ...

Here are some first considerations that may help:

#1 - Read the STICKIES at the top of this forum. Many questions are answered there. 99% of new questions are addressed.

#2 We are not doctors or diagnosticians, but people who are dying from or caring for people with ALS. Some of us have to type with one hand, one finger, via dictation, or even with our eyes, so reading/replying to the anxiety-ridden can be very tiring.

#3 if you think you have a motor neuron issue, see your Primary Care Provider and get a referral to a motor neuron qualified neuro, note: most are NOT ALS/MND (Motor Neuron Disease) experienced!

#4 an EMG, properly done, is the gold standard test for ALS. But also, an abnormal EMG can indicate HUNDREDS of other, non-fatal, diseases. So listen to your doctor.

#5 ALS does NOT present with pain, cramps, or fatigue. In ALS, you feel perfectly normal but your muscles simply won't work. Typically, the first sign of ALS is a foot or a hand that inexplicably just won't lift up. It doesn't hurt or feel weak, it just is limp. That is paralysis.

#6 ALS is about failing, not feeling, so forget the "feeling" symptoms

#7 If your main issue is twitching go to the bfs forum. If you have weird neuro symptoms try neurotalk. There are also forums for health anxiety.

#8 Your doctor is wise to look at other diseases. ALS is rare. In order for it to be ALS, it has to be nothing else.

#9 Many of us cough/gag/choke and/or can no longer speak. It is difficult to have anxious people constantly chasing this disease, when we can't escape it. There seems to be this cult of ALS wannabees/groupies. You don't want to fall into that bucket do you?

#10 Anxiety can be a real problem that can endanger your physical health. It is what leads many folks here to this forum -- it is a self-fueling fire. Try to avoid using google and/or this forum if you can -- if you cannot stay away and off this forum it should tell you something important!

Lastly, if you are still interested, go to alsa dot org or mda dot org ...

We sincerely hope you do not need to be here! But find out first. If you do need to be here let me say "Welcome, sorry you are here!"

Max - Monday, August 18, 2014 12:03:01 PM
onset 9/2010, diagnosed with ALS by Stanley Appel 8/29/2013
It Is What It Is ...

Your English is fine.
You're under some stress or anxiety.
You don't have ALS.

If you had an ALS symptom, your doctors would have noticed it.
When I read your story, I don't hear anything about ALS.
Your weakness is very little.
Your "atrophy" is not noticeable, according to your doctor.
The body twitches come from stress and worry.
is the atrpohy occurs after weakness or is it occurs before the weakness come?

right now when im trying to walk, i feel my right calf muscle did not contracting like my left, as if all my body weight only supported by the left calf muscle
is the atrpohy occurs after weakness or is it occurs before the weakness come? right now when im trying to walk, i feel my right calf muscle did not contracting like my left, as if all my body weight only supported by the left calf muscle

Atrophy occurs long after the muscle is paralyzed, limp and useless. After the muscle has been unused for awhile, it shrinks in size and loses its look of strength.

I think the difference between your right and left calf muscle is not important.

You don't have ALS.
@Atsugi, i also hope i don't have als but im really worried about my right foot, especially since it's arch is higher than the left.
when im sitting with my foot hanging, i can notice that my right foot is stretched even further than the left, is it signs of foot drop?
I'm so sorry you are so scared.

2 very trusted members of this site have told you just what your neurologist did - you don't have any symptoms of ALS. I've carefully read what you have written and I totally agree with these people.

Please go back to your doctor and work to sort out your health issues, as there is obviously something wrong and the stress is making it worse.

This site lets us answer you and we have done this clearly now. So please now go to your doctor as we cannot help you any further, you should not keep asking the same questions another way, you don't need to answer this post at all.

I sincerely hope your doctor helps you solve your medical problems and wish you the best.
I too really hope i dont have any als

But since 2 days ago, everytime i lift my hand (holding my phnne or using my mouse on my desk) my right hand feels like burning all the way down from shoulder to lower arm
my right foot wihich has higher arch as i mention earlier pain so much too

I keep telling my self that everything is okay, but everytime i used my limbs i keep sensing that something is wrong

And oh yeah the twitching still occurs but it is not as bad as before tho

Is the burning sensation and pain sounds like als or is it nothing like als at all?
Well -- Several of us have tried to share our experience with you and your fears.

The consensus seems to be that you need to resolve your issues with medical professionals and/or do not have ALS.

We do empathize with your fears, but there is no more we can help you with at this time.

This note is not to deter you from your investigations, but just not on this forum.

You asked, we answered, so please move on.

If you think you have a motor neuron issue, see your Primary Care Provider and get a referral to a motor neuron qualified neuro, note: most are NOT ALS/MND (Motor Neuron Disease) experienced!

Anxiety can be a real problem that can endanger your physical health. Make sure you tell your medical practioner what you are feeling as well as how you are feeling.

No need to reply. Goodbye and best regards.

onset 9/2010, diagnosed with ALS by Stanley Appel 8/29/2013
It Is What It Is ...
IndonesianMan, pain is NOT a symptom of ALS.

On your foot, a fallen arch is NOT dropfoot.

Again, you don't have ALS.
This is my last reply on this thread.

Please stop posting about every little thing that you can think or or concentrate on until you make it happen.

You truly do not have ALS, and we have answered this to you constantly.

It is now very rude of you to be so inconsiderate to people who are dying and people who are caring for those dying to keep posting like this.

Get back to your doctor and work with him until you have it figured out. We have to draw a line and finish tell you it's not ALS now.

All the best
Can someone please close this thread?
>Can someone please close this thread?

Ditto that!
I'm really sorry if i offend anyone in this forum... I really proud of you guys who keep on living and struggle thru all of this

My right thumb stiffened now, i cannot bend and move it as freely as the left. I got my appt with my neuro this friday, and hope he can figure something out as everything progress worse recently.

Really appreciate anyone who post comment in this thread, you guys really bring me hope!
Once again, i would like to deliver my deepest apologize and thank you for your attention. I keep on praying we are all always in the care of the mighty lord. God bless us all...!
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