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New member
Aug 18, 2014
Learn about ALS
First and foremost i'd like to say the people on this forum are fantastic, authentically some of the nicest people i've seen on the internet. For those of you who are frantically posting your fears and are scared you're diagnosed with an extremely serious and also extremely rare disease, don't be. My situation started out with localized twitches that then turned into widespread muscle twitches, and what i thought was weakness. In my case my GP diagnosed me with what most of your GP's will, GAD or generalized anxiety disorder. My weakness turned out to be a trapped nerve from where i'd been riding in the car for 8 hours. I emphasize this to the fullest extent, THINK BEFORE YOU POST! Think back to before all of your symptoms started, have you done any strenuous activity? Sat in a certain position for a certain amount of time or leaned on a limb? Then that is probably the cause My best advice to anyone is that if you're seriously concerned about your health see your GP and avoid forums like these. Also if you have GAD or are generally an anxious person,don't get yourself worked up about some of the most simple things like muscle twitches, soreness, or stiffness. You're chances of getting this terrible awful disease are .002% now i understand what you all are thinking, "What if i'm in the .002%? I know i'm part of this small percentage that is diagnosed I just know it." Think of it like this, if the weather man said there is a 99.998% chance of rain are you not going to carry an umbrella to work? Those are life time percentages as well and most the people posting fears about this disease are <30 which lowers the odds EVEN MORE. The chances of getting it at my age(18) are so slim i'd probably have a better chance at winning the lottery twice in the same month

Lastly to the people who commented on my thread as well as others,I'd like to thank you for your patience with the people who post. You all are incredibly kind for squashing peoples extremely unwarranted fears with such an incredible lack of dissonance. I'd like to apologize to anyones time i wasted by posted my irrational fears on a such a serious forum. I wish you all the best luck in your lifes as you all are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you very much

Good luck, Tyler.
Thanks Tyler, well written and we appreciate it.

All the best
Very well expressed. The hardest thing for people is learning how to control their fears. When I started having issues I stayed away from the internet. Self diagnosing yourself is very dangerous. And I think the biggest reason is you start to manifest symptoms you really don't have. For me it took 2 months, 4 doctors, 87 vials of blood (and not once did I ever get cookie) a gallon of pee,MRI, EMG, and much more. And not once did I ever think I had ALS. When my neoro gave me my diagnosis I was floored and could not believe it.
Just my own thoughts

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