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Jul 8, 2013
Learn about ALS
Ever since I joined this site in July, I've noticed there has been a decent amount of individuals (past and present) who were initially diagnosed with ulnar nerve entrapment or carpal tunnel syndrome, and then months later it was discovered that it was always ALS. I was wondering if there are any theories on why this is so prevalent?

When you look at the initial symptoms of ulnar nerve issues or carpal tunnel, they are very different then ALS. There is tingling, numbness, pain and mild cramping, issues that usually are not associated with ALS. In addition, ulnar nerve entrapment and carpal tunnel syndrome is normally diagnosed with the NCV, while in most cases the NCV is normal in PALS, and the EMG is dirty.

So I was just wondering if anyone has thoughts on this, obviously I"m concerned since I have ulnar nerve entrapment and have been seeing a neurologist since late June.
Hi I have not noticed this but thoughts
1 the vast majority of people diagnosed with ulnar entrapment or carpal tunnel are correctly diag nosed and never show up on this si te because they have no reason to

2 the people that you refer to may have had a provisional diag nosis before all the tests were done only to have it changed after. My sister self dia gnosed carpal tunnel. The doctor who did the EMG said ALS

3 maybe the people had both problems. No rule says you can't have 2 things.

4 you are correct that on NCS and EMG these things look very different
I was sent to hand surgeon for carpal tunnel but fortunely she said no there is something else going on here. be careful
Pearshoot, at what stage of the diagnosis did that happen? Was it your pcp who sent you? Had ypu had any tests? Ncs? Emg? Had you been to a neuro?
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