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New member
Aug 15, 2013
Learn about ALS
West Chester
Hey all…

I have a couple questions, and, as I am sure most of you know, straight answers on the subject of ALS can be very difficult to find. I am 34 yrs. old, and I have been twitching for about three weeks, primarily in my lower half (occasionally in my upper body), but, only really one “hotspot” on the right side of my shin in the calf muscle. Most of my twitches come and go however from hour to hour, or even day to day. I saw my GP and described the symptoms, and told him I was concerned about ALS, to which he immediately responded “it’s not ALS” without administering a strength test or anything. I started freaking out when I used Dr. Google and saw ALS come up as a potential cause of twitching. I immediately began testing my strength in my legs using all the online ALS weakness tests I could find. I climbed down stairs backwards on my toes, I balanced on one leg, then the other, I hopped across the room on one foot, I jumped up the stairs one by one, you name it I tried it. The good news is, I couldn’t find any signs of weakness. The bad news is for the last 5 days my calf opposite the one with my “hot spot” in it has been periodically cramping (which I hope is tied to all the test is self-administered last weekend but maybe not). My questions are this:

1) Do ALS twitches generally cease with movement. I.E. I have a twitch in my calf and I stand up and walk around and it stops, at least for a while?
2) Does ALS cramping generally occur in a muscle that has been twitching? I had had some twitching in the cramping calf, but very sporadically and not in a few days, yet the cramping off and on has continued.
3) Do you generally have any achiness associated with the twitching?
4) Do your twitches ebb and flow throughout the day? I.E. twitch for a while, stop for a couple hours, and start up again.

Thanks so much for your time and patience. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
The best thing you can do is read the stickys in this section of the forum. They can answer all your questions. Then you need to stop with the self testing. It does no good but feed your anxieties. Twitching for 3 weeks is not a very long time in the scheme of things. It could mean anything. Read the stickys, click on Do I Have Als thread.
I don't understand why people worry about ALS when they have NO weakness. I sure wouldn't if I didn't have progressing weakness that interferes with daily tasks.

Sorry, not picking on you. It's just that weakness is a hallmark of ALS. Without it, my mind wouldn't even go to ALS.
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