Deep Tendon reflexes 3+ and fasiculations seen on tongue

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Distinguished member
May 28, 2013
I finally got a copy of my neuro report and she noted weakness, 3+ reflexes but negative babinski. Faciculations also noted.

I also had right leg denervation.

I am so confused. Isn't this enough 'abnomal'?
I finally got a copy of my neuro report and she noted weakness, 3+ reflexes but negative babinski. Faciculations also noted.

I also had right leg denervation.

I am so confused. Isn't this enough 'abnomal'?

And, the question here would be: What did she say?
Didn't she discuss the results with you, while you were at her office?
You didn't walk out on her office without asking the pertinent questions, did you?

I definitely asked questions but she didn't tell me about my reflexes or the tongue faciculations or the exact weakness findings. That's why this report somewhat surprised me. Why didn't she tell me these things?
My appt with her was broken up, the initial appt, then the EMG was done by someone else, then I had to drive to meet the neuro at a different location. That appt was short and she really just wanted to go over the EMG results. In hindsight, I should have asked more, but without this report, I had no idea what to ask.

This process is so frustrating.

You are not alone, my appt path went kind of similar..Except, I have not even seen my report! I emailed my GP and they asked if I wanted to follow up with my neuro or my rheumatologist again. I have no idea! My emg though was "normal" that is all they told me which is great. But they ony did one leg and I only got to ask my neuro one question before he left the room, "well what do you think I have?" his reply "post viral fatigue syndrome". Okay, now what? I am kind of unsure like you. Yesterday,, my finger was not twitching like the other twitches i get it was moving on it's on and then it slowed down and actually just hung there limp. It is fine today, but that does not seem normal to me at all. I am 5 mos. into this and I have muscle pain, intermittent leg weakness, muscle twitching and occasional cramping etc. I am not sure why this process takes so long except an old co-worker of mine shared with me that it took 7 years and taking her daughter to Mayo to get a diagnosis. She was falling out of nowhere etc., she did not have ALS she had something rare like narcolepsy but called cataplexy. I have never even heard of that. Her best advice was: PERSEVERE. I give it to you as well..Hang in there.
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