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Jan 6, 2013
Learn about ALS
Any advice really appreciated
Female -43
So anxious
Past 6/7 weeks

Pins and needles /numbness right hand, arm, from hip to foot all right side
No definite clinical weakness, can still open lids, snap fingers, writing slightly stiff
Feet seem smaller but have lost a bit of weight due to flu
When I smile for thirty seconds mouth slightly drops at right lip and lip left top side starts twitching.
Jumpy right ankle , not sure if clonus

Really anxious
Thanks for any help here
Please STOP fretting about ALS! You have really jumped to conclusions by coming here (and likely more anxious because of it)

However, that being said, make an appointment with your GP to determine the cause of the numbness/pins & needles sensation. It could be any one of an array of benign, common and very manageable & treat able conditions.

In the meantime, enjoy a hot cup of tea and a lovely scone.
moderated- please stand by. (oops- used the word t r e a t )
Thank you for any help
I am not sleeping with anxiousness...
First you need to go see your Gp. Those sym ptom s could mean anything to include residual effe cts from the flu. It could even mean a str oke. I don't want to alarm you but you should get checked out. then go from there. Don't dr g o o g l e your sypm toms all it does is cause anx iety and unneeded fear. I wish you peace.
Thank you for replying. I am just past myself with worry
My symptoms are worse at night when in bed.
The more you worry the more you will make yourself sick. Anx iety and stress can cause more problems. I know easier said than done but you need to relax until you see your doc tor. Try some warm milk, or herb tea before going to bed and do some deep breathing to relax. Go see your dr and no more symp tom searches. Sending you (((((hugs))))).
Aww Vicki, thanks, I am not normally an anxious person but these symptoms have got to me hugely.

I keep thinking it is worst case scenario and need reassurance.....
Your symptoms are not signs of ALS, but with any symptoms like yours, you should take yourself to the doctor immediately. You need to be checked out to eliminate serious conditions. Look after yourself.
Thank you for your reassurance, any idea what could be the problem
My symptoms are worse when in bed.
Thank you
Would anyone know what would be the prbem with me?
As was said, possible stroke with your crooked smile symptom. Go to Urgent care. It doesn't sound anything like ALS.
Ms pie
Thanks for your help.
I am just so worried and not sleeping
Tried perfect sleep herbals but haven't helped, you know of anything better for anxiousness
Go to the doctor.
Forgot to mention another thing

My dental top plate seems slightly looser.
I am extremely anxious.

Thank you all.
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