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Nov 14, 2012
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South Australia
The symptoms started when I noticed my pinky toe twitching in November last year. Then, in February, my thumb on my left hand started moving inwards of its own accord towards my forefinger when holding medium weight objects, such as a cooking pot. This was accompanied by twitched in various locations.

The twitching spread to calves, upper arms, lower arms, thighs, abdomen, back etc.

Have had an electric shock sensation behind my right ear that varies in intensity - sometimes it's localized behind the ear and other times it shoots down to my fingertips – intermittently for about 3 years now. I have always put that down to a pinched nerve.

Experienced sensations of tightness in my right calf, like I was wearing a pressure bandage.

Obviously went to see the doc (in April), who took my blood and prescribed me Inderal, which did nothing. The blood tests were normal. I was given a referral to a neuro who sent me in for an MRI. Because of the electric shock sensations (L’Hermitte’s Sign supposedly) he was thinking it was possibly MS, but the scans of my neck and brain came back clear, bar a bulging disc in my neck. Thus he diagnosed with BFS and an intention tremor.

I managed to put it out of my mind for the last six months, and then the symptoms started getting noticeably worse. I've been experiencing cramping in my right thigh and left hand and the twitching continues unabated all over. What has me more concerned than usual is that while I was holding my iPhone today in my left hand (with most of the weight on my four fingers as I was scrolling through my Facebook feed) the weight of the phone was too much for it to handle. It started shaking violently, so I put it down and ignored it and went to work. While I have had shaking in both hands for quite some time now, the feeling of weakness and the feeling of resistance I experience when straightening my left hand is concerning. The weakness is in the pinky finger and the one immediately adjacent to it. My forearm now hurts when I hold the phone in my left hand.
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