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New member
Oct 12, 2012
Lost a loved one
My husband has been experiencing some symptoms that have led he and his mother to worry that he may have ALS. Now keep in mind that he is only 27, has never been athletic or very active in the gym,is about 30 lbs overweight, and we have a 5 month old who weighs 20 lbs. His grandfather died of ALS which makes his whole family terrified that they too will get it. My husband's symptoms have been going on for about a month and are only on the right side of his body. His symptoms include pain in his neck, shoulder, arm, hand, back, rib cage, leg, calf, foot. I describes it as tightness and pain and also says it's sore to the touch. It feels better in the mornings, then once he has worked all day using the phone and computer, it begins hurting later in the day. He says the symptoms in his leg happen when he goes walking and it might be because of his shoes. I thought his upper body was due to stress and poor ergonomic equipment at his office. The doctor gave him a shot of steroids and some Mobic but he said it hasn't really made it feel any better. I didn't begin to really worry until yesterday when his mother approached me privately and expressed her concern. What do you think?
It doesn't sound anything like ALS but he should pursue a diagnosis and treatment. Just because his father had ALS doesn't mean anyone else in the family will get it unless there were others in the family for generations that have had it. Find out what's getting your husband and get it fixed. He might start taking better care of himself by exercising and dropping some weight too. Good luck.
Pain is not a presenting symptom in ALS. What you have described sounds nothing like it.
I understand the fear but over 90 percent of ALS cases are sporadic (random) so if there is only one family member with it he probably has no increased risk and ALS is really quite rare.
Good luck and I hope he feels better soon
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Also- true symptoms of ALS dont get better and then get worse throughout the day. Its continually progressive. It also wouldnt be affecting his entire right side of his body all at once. I can understand the fear because of his Grandfather having had ALS- but as stated above, if that is the only case in the family, you really dont need to worry about others having it. Could be a pinched nerve.
Picking up that little one could have done something... as the others said, pain isn't a starting point of ALS, the weakness is. The pain comes later as the muscles atrophy...
I agree with the others. Pain is not a presenting symptom. Definitely get him to see his GP and while he's getting checked out perhaps the doc could allay some of the fears of hereditary ALS.
I'd suggest he go to his GP to be sure he hasn't pulled something or injured a disc in his neck or back. As the others have said, genetic ALS strikes multiple family members, and starts with weakness, not pain.

Pain to the touch is generally muscular, but I'm not a doctor. Good luck and congrats on the baby. Walking is great exercise if the doc says its o,ay, and helps a lot with loosening stiff back muscles I've found.
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