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New member
Oct 5, 2012
Learn about ALS
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland
Hello :)

I've had body wide fasics for 7 months now
Recently (in the past week) I've noticed that when I swallow, it feels as if saliva goes up my nose a bit? Or something comes down it... It doesn't happen with food or water, just when swallowing saliva..
Also, I've had problems "initiating" swallowing at times...Identical to how it feels if you swallow 3 times in a row, and you can't the fourth time...

I'm 19, and was worried this was Bulbar onset ALS?
Is that possible?
No family history.

Thanks for your help
Not at all likely that you have als. You have a lot of anxiety is all. Your "symptoms" are most likely due to anxiety. Stay off this site. You're needlessly scaring yourself to death. If you're that concerned, go to your doctor.
I agree 110 percent with Ms. Pie. Anxi ety can be a killer. Also, old doc goo gle is exactly worth what you paid for. His medi cal li cense should be re voked. If you are still concerned, please see your doc tor.
Also, please check out the si te about b fs dot co m all scrunched together
I don't even think he has BFS to worry about, honestly.
I was referring to his first (incomplete) sentence.
There are really only two kinds of people who should know what "fascics" means: people who actually have them clinically, and doctors. Anyone else throwing that word around has done their fair share of paranoid Googling.
If you are having fluids you swallow coming out your nose, call your GP, because there is a risk of aspiration. And no, I don't think it's ALS, either.

But, even saliva shouldn't be coming out the nose and warrants a visit to the GP. Body wide twitches, if you read the sticky posts, are not ALS, either. Good luck.
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