questions about related symptoms

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jaybob moffett

New member
Oct 8, 2012
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I have questions about related symptoms? My mother passed from ALS last year and I have having symptoms of hemifacial spasm. I am 42 and trying to have a baby with my wife and after my mother I am scared of what might be. Can anyone give me info on if they are related?
I was told I am a fals. My grandfathers brothers all died of an undiag nosed degene rative sp inal cord disor der that until recently had not been seen. That is until I mentioned 1 of them donati ng his body. They sent my blood sam ple to a lab who confirmed a match but then it was sent to Germany where this odd gene is being tested and found our do not match and a bill for 16 thousand dollars. Mine is apparently a mut ation as well as my sisters being totally different than mine. She suffers from the hem ifacial sp asms. Hers has been ongoing for 10 to 15 years now. I have another sister with no symp toms at all.

What has your neu rologist said? What testing have you had done? Did your mom have the gene test done?

As for your plans, there was a wonderful man here that passed away who was diagnosed, married and then had a beautiful little girl. There were no regrets. Please look him up here and read his story: Rcharlton

Good luck to you,
Just wanted to add that Richard didn't pass from his ALS, either. If your mom wasn't a fals, there is no reason to think you are?
When I was 13, my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer (thankfully she beat it), but for years afterward, I'd constantly be convinced I'd found a tumor or that I had some kind of cancer. My mom had to take me to the doctor on multiple occasions, knowing in all likelihood it was just my imagination, but that's the way the trauma of it affected me. It affects us all differently. I'm sorry for your loss and I hope your symptoms aren't anything to be too concerned about. Take care.
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