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Aug 15, 2012
Learn about ALS

I am not writing here because I think I have ALS, I just want to ask you about some symptoms for ruling out this terrible disease while I am waiting for my first neuro appointment. I am aware of that this is a very terrible disease and one should not think that one has it unless with very clear symptoms but I hope you can help. I apologize for bad spelling...

I am 37 years old. In 2006 I injured my right ankle and a few weeks later when I was able to walk again I realized that a part of my feet was numb. At that point I was sure it had something to do with the injury but today I am not sure when I think about my symptoms progression in recent years. After seeing a physiotherapist most of the numbness went away. I think it was two years later when I realized that I had less strength in my right leg and in general just a weird felling in the right leg... like its not there but still of course it is and I can move it. (Sound silly - I know). It was mainly noticable when using the leg, e.g. bicykling up a hill, swimming etc. I did not think anything of this and thought it might be due to the ankel injury and/or a kneeproblem (operated two times) when I was younger. In 2008 I started getting extreme pains in my neck and shoulder and again... I'm not sure at all if it has something to do with my current problems. It was on/off and often I had problems sleeping because of the pain. Today this pain is chronic. I have seen a kiropractor for a long time and I think he is loosing faith in that he can fix me. The pain in the neck and the shoulder goes sometimes towards my arm (on the outside) down to the hand-joint and the outer fingers (from the little one). I sometimes get the feeling of numbness in the hand and it feels extremely stiff - especially the joint.
In 2011 I had a premature birth with death following. Afterwards I was extremely tired (not sure if it was due to depression or...) and was diagnosed with autoimmune Hashimoto with extreme titering of TPO. Now I take eltroxin for the endo. In the last year I have had a lot of weird neurological symptoms. The weird feeling in my right leg is now in the whole right side of my body - from head to toe. My face simply just feels different in the right side and few times I have had tingling there. It is like it is more stiff there - the skin and muscles... even though there is no visible difference. I have also very stiff joints/muscles in my neck up to the right side of my head. The shoulder is stiff and it hurts and the weird feeling is very noticable in the right arm. I have a weird feeling in my hip joint - especially after training or walking for a long time. The whole right leg feels heavy and it seems it has less strength as I try to use it when eg bicykling... it just wont use full strength. The weird thing is that I don't see a large difference between the size of the leg... maybe a slight difference. My toes on the right are not very mobile and I cant do the same with them as I can on the left. The ankle and the joints down there also seem very stiff and they crack quit easily (so does my shoulder and neck and hip). Moreover, recently the skin started popping - I think those are faciculations. I can see them on my leg, calf and around the ankle... They appear mostly when I have been walking and when I lie on the sofa relaxing after work. Its very seldom the faciculations come in the morning. I have also experienced popping around my bum and lower back... but that is as far as I remember only after long walking. Last but not least I should say that when I say I am stiff, it's not like I can't move the joint... I can and as much as the corresponding joint on the left side... it just feels stiff. And the cracking is only mainly in the right side.

I just wanted someone to tell me it can't be ALS! I have been very sad about these symptoms for a long time and it is only recently I saw a doctor about it because I was too afraid to tell someone.... I just have this feeling that something is wrong but just couldn't get myslef checked out. But finally I did and I am waiting for the first appointment. But after I realized I had to see a doctors I started using dr google and I have been reading so many awful things on ALS and I just cant have that disease :-( Have you any clues about these symptoms?

All the best to all of you....
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