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New member
Jul 8, 2012
Loved one DX
Hello Everyone, my name is Chad. My brother passed away from ALS at the age of 41 in December 2010. He was diagnosed and was gone in 9 months. It was fast! He lost his speech first and then it hit hard and fast. I had some twitching in my left calf where you could visibly see it while he was sick. Freaked out, I went in for all of the tests. Came back normal.

Now, 3 years later I am having these issues:

1) A lot of twitching in the same left calf.

2) Numbness on the left side of my foot which climbs slightly up my left ankle and side of my leg.

3) I wake up most nights and am really tired but cannot sleep

4) I have waken up several nights with both hands completely numb and I have to shake them to re-vive them.

5) Sometimes tingling or a slight onset of numbness up my left leg and left arm.

6) Cramping in the movement of my thumbs.

I know some of these do not directly correlate to ALS symptoms and maybe I am freaked out because I lost my brother to it. Can any of you share your earliest symptoms that may relate to what I posted above.

I wish all of you who are currently diagnosed the best and I pray for a cure for this horrible disease.

Thank you,
Scottsdale, AZ
Chad, your fears are understandable, in light of what you have been through, with your brother.

Your symptoms are not symptoms of ALS. They are symptoms of sensory nerve pressure or damage.
Numb hand at night is especially common, and is caused by the way we sleep. We crunch our nerves in our arms very easily when we lie on them. Your foot issues are probably comming from your back.

The other type of thing that is going on is some generalised damage to your sensory nerves. You need to make sure you keep in touch with your doctor, and should your symptoms persist, make sure you return for a new assessment.

Have you had an MRI to rule out nerve compression or MS?
Thank you for your reply. I also have been having pain in my abdomen and lungs when I lay down, sleep, and wake up for the past 3 weeks. I did have an injury to C3,4,5,6 in my spine back in 1999. A kid rear ended me at a stop light. There is a slightly bulging disc and bone spur at C5 C6 area. I have had many MRI's and CT's, but not in the last 3 years. I will head to see my Doc this week and let him know what is going on. I am sure it is not ALS, but rather tied to my neck/spine injury. The symptoms like cramping, twitching and muscle movements are what scare me...

I am now 41 which is the age my brother was diagnosed. I watched him lose his life leaving a wife of 17 years and two young daughters behind. ALS is a nasty disease. I hope they make a better break through that won't take 10 years to create the drug to stop it in its tracks.

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