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May 22, 2011
Learn about ALS
Hi everyone,

I have been having some very weird things happening lately, I get non stop fasciculations in my calves and thighs, sometimes in my arms and back. within the last few months I have noticed that my calve muscle have become striated where you can see what look like the long muscle fibres like grooves on the big muscle on inside of your calf, when I try to flex my calf muscle it ripples of twitches like a tremor or wave unless I really squeeze hard then I can hold the muscle contraction but not for long time they start rippling and the go soft. I saw the doctor yesterday he said he has never seen this before. he is sending me for something called a "conduction test" at a neurologist.I am really scared, has anyone ever had this. the fasciculations are like flickers off and on when my muscle is relaxed, i know a lot of people get these, but I have no idea what rippling thing is it only occurs as I am flexing my inside calve muscle gradually flexing it looks like worms swimming in my calves until I squeeze as hard as i can at then the muscle gets hard?

Has anyone experienced this or know what it might be ?
When a muscle starts to wasting is it like grooves or indents on the muscle?
HI Patric

A NCV test will let them see if there is any type of neuropathy going on in your nerves. See the neurologist. We can't tell you here if it's ALS. There are a lot of conditions that cause issues with muscles--and most of them are treatable.

When my muscles wasted--it just flat out disappeared. Where there used to be muscle, there is now a huge hollow dent--and believe me, with that kind of atrophy--there IS loss of abilities.

Try not to stress yourself. See the neuro and let them do their tests. Best of luck
The exact same thing happens to me. I didn't notice it til recently. It is that subtle. I will flex my right calf muscle or walk to the kitchen, sit back down and my calf will be twitching. It's not really a twitch actually. It looks like my calf has a soft heartbeat or there is a something underneath my skin. I haven't been diagnosed yet, but I'm so terrified. I'm only 22. I have to wait til June 25 to see a neurologist.
The rippling or quivering of a muscle , or parts of a muscle, under contraction, happens in healthy muscle.

People have nerve conduction studies done every day -- it is a standard neurological test. No need to get all bent out of shape about it.
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